The Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

The Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
The Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

The Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 Crisis


            The drastic pandemic that we all undergoing is the COVID-19. This single virus has taught us how to lead a healthy life by locking ourselves in our home both physically as well as mentally. Do you think that all can stay at home? Is this applicable especially for doctors? No. Not only doctors but also veterinarians playing a vital role in the war between the human and the virus. Let’s see how the veterinarian response to the COVID-19 crisis.


We all know the worse virus named COVID-19 was first recorded in the Chinese city called, Wuhan. From there it started invading the whole world and succeeded by conquering it. This is the most dangerous virus that we people have ever seen. It is sequenced that is supposed to be transferred from animals that are zoonotic. The host may be bats, pangolin but the intermediate host has not been identified yet. There is no proper vaccine has been discovered till date. So, this worst virus started mutating and keeps on affecting the people.

COVID-19 in animals:

            The coronavirus has been prevalent in animals for a long time even before it enters the human world. It was identified in new-born puppies and with a developed vaccine the talented veterinarians treated and treating it by including it under the schedule of dog’s general vaccination. The veterinarians are always working with the motto “ one health” but it is working now as the COVID-19 integrated with human life. While discussing human and animal health, we should not exclude the environment. ‘One health’ is possible only when we consider all three into an account.


Veterinarian response to the COVID-19 crisis:

The response and the role of veterinarians are inevitable. They responded and also playing a crucial role in the struggle against the COVID-19. Some of the notable contributions are,

  • As a front-line worker
  • Offered equipment such as RT-PCR, ventilators, etc.
  • Lab technicians
  • Spreading awareness
  • Members of the vaccine development team
  • Treating animals
  • Disposal of animal waste and carcass
  • Ensuring food security

Veterinarian- front-line worker:

            Health care workers are the front-line workers because they are doing their best to look after the COVID-19 positive tested patients. Veterinarians also playing this role whole-heartedly with love and care.

Veterinarian’s generosity:

            When the doctors suffered from inadequate equipment in testing a large number of samples, veterinarians have offered the RT-PCR kit for testing the samples for the diagnosis of COVID-19 . And also offered the ventilators for the patients who tested positive against COVID-19 .

Veterinarians as lab technicians:

            Veterinarians not only offered the equipment to test the samples and ventilate the people but also offered laboratories and devoted themselves to test the samples for the diagnosis of COVID-19 .

Veterinarians in spreading awareness:

            They did not even leave this part. As the doctors, they are well-known that how important awareness was. So, they enlightened the people to wear masks, maintain social distancing, and also taught them to practice personal hygiene.

Veterinarians in the development of vaccine:

Scientists all over the world toiling day and night to develop a vaccine against a deadly disease. Scientists in the Veterinary field especially, Dr. Albert Bourla, chairman and chief executive of Pfizer succeeded in developing the m-RNA vaccine which could take 10-14 years for its development. The whole world is now getting vaccines developed by different companies under different names. The director of Gujarat biological research scientist, Dr. G.C.Joshi (a veterinarian) successfully sequenced the whole genome and also 9 mutations of COVID-19 which is helping for the development of the vaccine.


Treating animals:

            The main work of veterinarians is to treat the animals 24×7. The restriction is not applicable for treating the animals during the lockdown. They are treating animals in the clinic and also on-site treatment where the animal dwells and also online consultation for minor infections.

Disposal of animal wastes and carcass:

            As this virus is considered to be zoonotic, care must be taken in disposing of the animal wastes and also the disposal of the carcass. Veterinarians must preach the basic knowledge to the owner of animals regarding the disposal of animal wastes and carcasses.

Ensuring food security:

            People are afraid that animal products might carry viral pathogens. So, veterinarians must aware that the viral pathogens are not carried by the animal products and also guide them with the cooking procedures. They should ensure food security otherwise the food security will be affected and the situation will be worse than this.


There is something good in the bad.”

            Since the COVID-19 used the whole world for organizing a puppet show, it hasn’t shown any of its effect on the environment. Indeed, it has decreased the contamination, a worldwide temperature alteration, and the ozone layer exhaustion. It also helped us to get the periodic climate.  To sum up, the response of veterinarians are discussed in detail. But still, the veterinarian remaining as the unsung hero in society. The veterinarians are not working for the recognition of their work by society, their ultimate aim is the “one health”. Hence, by now the great veterinarians have to be included under Corona Warriors. We the people help them and also protecting ourselves by wearing masks and maintaining social distance in public places. Hope our warriors will soon discover the vaccine to kill and make the virus run out of the universe.


“Remain at home, stay beneficial, stay safe, and stay with hope until the vaccine is discovered.”


Saravanan N

1st-year B.V.Sc &A.H.

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli.


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