Contribution of Veterinarians during COVID-19 Pandemic

Contribution of Veterinarians during COVID-19 Pandemic
Contribution of Veterinarians during COVID-19 Pandemic
Contribution of Veterinarians during COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID pandemic is biggest challenge for humanity. It is caused by SARS-CoV-2, a RNA virus with high degree of mutation posing threat to life and economy. It emerged from an animal source, the pandemic steered buy human to human contact. India is facing this pandemic in full strength with its healthcare and front line workers along with veterinarians. At present, 28328 veterinarian are working as covid warriors in India and 2068 in U.P.
Veterinarians have evolved themselves as frontline workers in many countries as they swear to use their scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of the society protecting animal health and welfare supporting the work of human health authorities. Veterinarians are actively  involved in surveillance screening, by testing human samples, thus supporting the diagnostic capacity of medical health services.
 Veterinarians are contributing in multiple roles to combat Covid pandemic, as per guidelines issued by Govt of India
1. Thermal screening Team Leader
2. Covid control Sector Magistrate in containment zone
3. Isolation Centre Nodal Officer
4. Diagnostic Team Leader as RTPCR experts in Veterinary Colleges, Veterinary University, Research Institutes like IVRI, PGIVER, etc
5. As Veterinarian to food and agriculture industry
It is matter of pride for Vets in India that First time human samples of covid are being allowed to be tested in veterinary institutes by ICMR and Govt to utilize RTPCR and Vet Scientist’s ability in following institutes of India–
IVRI, Izzatnagar,U.P.
GADVASU Ludhiana
NRCE Hisar
PGIVER Bikaner Rajsthan
Veterinary College, Kerala,Veterinary college Orissa ,Veterinary College Telangana
In many parts of Country, Veterinary Doctors were trained for corona sample collection from human patients.
Indian army vets trained dogs to detect corona samples from human patients and results are encouraging as 22 positive out of 3800 samples. This reduces time and money spent on normal RTPCR testing .
Pets play important role in maintenance of physical and mental health of pet owners during pandemic. Veterinary doctors ensured health and well being of pets during pandemic.
Even Vets are at risk.of exposure during service, they continuously provide veterinary care during odd hours in each corners of state and country,thus protecting animal and public health through surveillance for covid 19, zoonotic and infectious diseases.
High degree of public trust in veterinary doctors helpful in fighting pandemic with positive motivation, public health messaging about vaccination and other preventive measures.
Veterinary community paid life of many dozens of vets in service during covid pandemic, however, more than 300 vets found corona positive. However, Vets are continuously serving the society at risk of exposure.
Maintaning dairy animals health and production, Veterinary doctors served to make society healthy nutritionally to fight Covid in a better way.
Veterinary and livestock sector showed prospective growth during covid pandemic, ensuring optimum contribution of milk, meat, egg in India GDP. This helped to restore economic growth.
At last, it can be concluded that multifarious role of Veterinary Doctors contributed in protecting animal and public health during covid pandemic, which needs to be highlighted by govt and society. Veterinary medicine is also allopathic medicine for livestock, pets, birds, wildlife and aquatic animals, which provide healthy food for goodness of human health. One world One Health campaign started by WHO and OIE for better cooperation betwen human and veterinary medical professionals for disease free world.
Indeed it is a time to pay tribute to the social and need based efforts made by each veterinarian to support veterinary and medical science ranging from veterinary hospitals, laboratory research to COVID-19 sample testing and working together by sharing their expertise to resolve the current COVID-19 pandemic

1.Dr Rakesh Kumar, President, UPVA, Office at Directorate of Animal Husbandry Campus, BadshahBagh, Lucknow
2.Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra
Veterinary Medical Officer, Animal Husbandry Department, U. P.
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