Marathwadi Buffalo: the Present and the future Challenges


Marathwadi Buffalo: the Present and the future Challenges

Dr.A.K.Wankar1*, Dr.S.N.Rindhe2, Dr.T.A Shafie3, Dr.M.F.M.F. Siddiqui3, Dr.P.M.Kekan1

1* Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani

1 Professor, Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani

2 Assistant Professor, Livestock Product Technology, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani

 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Medicine Physiology, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani


As the name suggests, marathwadi buffalo has its origins in the marathwada region of Maharashtra state. It’s primarily located in Beed, Parbhani, Jalna, Nanded, Latur and Osmanabad districts of the region. The animals are of medium built with a broad forehead having a short neck. Its color varies from grayish to jet black. Here the animals are reared for their milk, meat and as drought animals. The breed is very well adapted to local climatic conditions, disease resistant and can thrive on poor fodder.

The population of the buffalo in Maharashtra state is well under 376595, and there’s a steady decline in the breed population from a 425000 to 278502 during the time span in 1997 to 2013 (Breed survey, Government of India). The animals are reared mainly by small or marginal farmers, who manage them poorly and hence the milk yield and growth is poor. Illiteracy among the farmers, established breeding centres and lack of proper government policies for the breed conservation has made the situation graver for the marathwadi buffalo. In future proper scientific approach by the farmers, breeders and optimum government policies will be essential for the conservation and propagation of the well adapted and resilient buffalo breed.

READ MORE :  Government Releases Breed-Wise Report of Livestock & Poultry Based on 20th Livestock Census

Systematic analysis (SWOT) of the whole scenario for conservation and propagation of marathwadi buffalo,


  • Local breed of buffalo recognized by ICAR since 1952
  • Medium sized breed, supportive to sustenance of small and marginal farmers
  • Well adapted to local climate and thermotolerant
  • High feed efficiency and conversion of poor quality feed to high quality animal products
  • Animal productivity related to nutrition level
  • Sustained production levels, irrespective of feed or climatic conditions
  • Males form important beef source, at national levels and exports
  • Minimum reproductive problems and disorders than other breeds
  • Disease resistant


  • Genetic makeup is dilute or assertive
  • Indiscriminate breeding with other breeds like Pandharpuri and Nagpuri
  • No breeders association support
  • Only one registered government farm for the breed in entire region
  • No government policies or support for breed conservation
  • Scientific follow up is scarce
  • Frozen semen is not available for breed propagation
  • No demand for milk and milk products, locally or nationally


  • Recording of pure and elite native breed
  • Development of breed, befitting to middle class or marginal farmer as additional income source
  • Acceptability of controlled breeding policies and protocols
  • Propagation of breed with minimum managemental requirements
  • Propagation of disease resistant breed
  • Propagation of A2 buffalo milk
  • Development of specialized milk products
  • Creation of local market niches for milk and milk products to increase profitability, at low cost
  • Improvement of lifetime calving span or active reproductive lifespan


  • Lack of breeders association
  • Lack of government policies and programs for breed conservation and propagation
  • Lack of attempts at local for breed conservation, propagation and product preparation
  • Less enthusiasm in farmers and breeders for breed as compared to other milch breeds
  • Poor data recording system, with unclear data on adult animals
  • Poor breeding male buffalo population
  • Dilution and permanent loss of breeds germplasm due to indiscriminate breeding and unfavourable policies
  • Poor awareness amongst farmers, breeders and lack of veterinary extension
  • Poor management, less profitability leading to reluctance of rearing by farmers and breeders
  • Early disposal for slaughter, after 4-6 lactations

The above mentioned strengths, constraints and areas of improvement are very important to properly understand the problems of buffalo farmers. Only a systematic approach will make the buffalo rearing sustainable and milk production profitable in this region.


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