Bovine Tuberculosis:A  Zoonoses of  Public  Concern


Bovine Tuberculosis:A  Zoonoses of  Public  Concern


Cell is a very long and dangerous bacterial disease transmitted from animals to humans due to a bacteria called.

(Mycobacterium bovis)

This disease affects more people with low immunity.

And it also applies to most animals and birds.

In the animals, they get a lot of cheeks

But very rarely does he encounter a slap.

This bacteria lasts for a long time in the body of humans and animals

Because this bacteria hides itself in the cells especially the cells of the kidney and brain.

This characteristic makes it not easily fade away.

Humans and animals suffer from this disease when:

Breathe in a closed area where animals or humans are affected.

Drinking raw milk or well boiled animal-free.

Getting close to the animal is too much.

Symptoms of cell disease:

The increase in body temperature with weakness in a very short time.

A long cough and a blood reliever with the cough.

A long stomach with no appetite for food

Breath is a constant and exhausting breath.

The growth of the lymph of the grip.

How to protect ourselves from this disease:

Animal checkup before and after surgery by our veterinarian.

Staying away from the animals that have the signs I mentioned.

Clean milk with a very good condition before consuming.

Eliminate the endangered animals.


The best way to prevent the disease from spreading to humans is to eliminate infected animals.

Treatment for an infected animal has no effect as this bacteria stays inside the cells and causes a long-term disease

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