Basic Principles of News Article Writing For Agri- Livestock Professionals

Veterinary Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Basic Principles of News Article Writing For Agri- Livestock Professionals

 Extension work is uses communication for its leverage and may be therefore communication is regarded as heart of entire extension process. Communication is a process of sharing thoughts, ideas, feelings information etc. which results into common understanding. This common understanding and clarity of meaning is very crucial for conveying scientific information of public utility. This job becomes bit harder when scientific personnel writes something for farmers. This publication aims at improving farmer friendly writing style of Veterinary Professional. It will also help to communicate activities of Animal husbandry among masses. In rural areas, print media plays crucial role in creating awareness and dissemination information. Therefore, change agents must write and communicate science for the benefit of all.

What is news article?

 News is the communication of selected information on current events or may be a story linked with past events. It is shared in various ways such as discussion among individuals, newsletters, publishing, broadcasting on television, radio or social media etc. Any article which communicates news may be through Print media (Ex. News paper, Newsletter, farm magazines etc.) or via online media (Ex. e-news paper, e-news letter, blogs, websites etc.) is called news article. News articles are mainly of informative nature written for larger audiences.

News must have property of newness. Any routine activity like “I can swim” cannot become news. But if “I can swim faster than Dolphin” then definitely it becomes news because it is interesting for readers. Moreover if news is unusual then it catches attention of reader and appeals him/her to read. For example “farmer purchased tractor” it is usual story for us but if “farmer in sohra village brought an aircraft” it becomes unusual news.


Third essential property of news is about its significance. “Farmers are growing rice” may seem less significant to read but “farmers are growing diabetes resistance rice” holds attention. One more property of news is it should be about people. The news must cater the needs of masses, may be of immediate or future use. For instance “scientists found meteoroid at Antarctica” is not so catchy or compelling because reader searches for his benefit. However “scientists found EBOLLA killer property in meteoroid at Antarctica” becomes breaking news as it can save life of lots of people. Thus, for the appealing and catchy reporting we must ensure all four properties in news articles.

How to write news article?

 Experts say that writing a good news article is a skill that can be acquired and developed overtime. The good news article is a mixture of all four properties of news blended with right words at right time to cater the real time purpose. Understanding some tricks and techniques about news reporting can enable us for writing good news article and popular articles in news papers.

Basic Principles of News Article Writing For Agri- Livestock Professionals

Basic Principles of News Article Writing For Agri- Livestock Professionals

Writing News articles

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