Definition of Immunity-The state or quality of being resistant to a particular infectious agent/pathogen/disease through body immune system.

Definition of Active Immunity- It results from the production of Antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an Antigen usually achieved through Vaccination.( Vaccine acts as Antigen to produce Antibody in body)-Here Antigen is administered to body to produce Antibody.

Definition of Passive Immunity- It is short term immunity results from  the induction of Antibodies from another individual usually through natural way. (through Milk. consumption/ getting exposure to infection etc.) Here Antibody is administered to body directly.

Primary Immune response- when Antigens first time enter body for production of Antibody against it.

Secondary Immune Response- when Antigens other than first time enter body for production of Antibody against it.

Definition of Vaccine- A substance used to  stimulate immunity against a particular pathogen/infectious disease typically prepared from an  live attenuated/inactivated/killed/weakened/Toxoid/m RNA/Viral vector/(subunit/recombinant/conjugate/polysaccharide) from the causative agent or from constituents or products.


Treatment or administration of a vaccine in a simple, safe,& effective way to produce immunity against a pathogen .


Louis Pasteur-is called father of Immunology.

Martinus Beijernck-Father of Virus

Dr.Edward Jenner-Father of Vaccine

Dr.Udya Kishore-Father of Indian Immunology

Vaccination eligible Livestock-

  • Disease free & healthy
  • Stress free( climate, weather, feed scarcity, Disease Out break ,transportation, etc.)
  • Deworm & ectoparasite free from 2 weeks before Vaccination
  • Follow Vaccine Schedule with Booster doses to keep of Antibody level at desired level
  • Maintain Cold Chain of Vaccines ( usually at 2-8 C)
  • Maintain Records of Vaccination in details-manufacturing company ,batch number, manufacture date, expiry date, dose, route of vaccination, owner name, type of animal vaccinated with age
  • Use boiled milk at least up to 1 month after vaccination
  • Do not Vaccinate within 42 days before slaughter
  • Do not administer Anti Biotic after Vaccination
  • Do not keep/store vaccines in Burn, chemically sterilised, autoclaved ,unused containers ,
  • Do not expose to sun light after reconstitution of Vaccine
  • Take consent of owner prior to Vaccination
  • If anaphylactic shock is observed after vaccination then Administer Antihistamine( Avil-1o ml vial/ Dexona-Dexamethazone-2ml vial) ,if no response then Adrenalin( Epinephrine)( 0.5 ml Tropin vial available) injection if anaphylactic shock is observed after vaccination.

(Adrenalin – 1st dose-I/M( as I/V may kill the Animal) –if no response then 2 nd dose-I/M at 10 minutes interval of 1st Dose if no response then to give-I/O( intra-osseous)– ( at epiphysis of long bone with long needle), if no response then administer  I/V with 1: 1000 dilution followed( because as no heart beat so Adrenalin accumulate at cite of injection) by PCR( Pulmo-Cardiac Reassertion—first make air ways straight by supine position with straight head-> palpate Cardiac area with crossed fingers @ 100 times /minute->Mouth respiration),if no response then administer Adrenalin (1: 1000 dilution)at apex of Left Ventricle of Heart.

14-Purchase Vaccines of reputed companies

15-Follow manufacture instructions

16-Vaccinate at cool hour of the Day( morning/evening)

READ MORE :  Use of Biopesticides in Modern Agriculture

17- In Water diluents Vaccines –keep thirsty to birds before 1-3 hr of vaccination & water must be cold, free from chlorine ,obnoxious( unpleasant) smell or drugs before dissolving vaccine in water

18-Vaccinate within 1 hour after reconstitution

19- Immunological Sera Test in Pre-Vaccination & Post Vaccination after    14-21 days

20- Be cautious for any allergic reaction

 Immunoglobulin (Antibody)- produced by WBC-“Y” shaped protein molecule-It is specialised protein which helps to neutralise of specific antigen.(which is introduced to body is Antigen & Antibody produced in serum/tissue fluid of body to neutralise Antigen-bacteria, virus, poison, disease causing agent etc.) Immunoglobulin contains Alpha/Beta/Gama Globulin. Immunoglobulin has two identical Heavy Chains & Two identical Light Chains ,Heavy  connected by Di sulphide bonds & Light Chains by Polypeptide bonds.

              1-Ig M-(5-8 %)-(pentameres)-( agglutinin antibody)Highest molecular weight(1,90,000-), first to response, like Ig G-hyper sensitive & Allergic reaction

               2-Ig G-Gama globulin- (75%)(IgG1.IgG2,Igg3,IgG4).15,000 mol .wt. mostly available(70- 80%),23 day life span, transplacental transmission( provide passive immunity when suckled),

3-Ig A- (10-13%)- serum IgA & Secretory Ig A-second most abundant-milk, tear, saliva, intestine, mucous , blood, other secretions –protect mucosal membrane ,chronic infection action against

4-Ig E-19,000- (4%)respiratory tract production, heat labile,-infection, fever, asthma, allergen, hyper sensitive, allergic reactions

5-IgD-(2 %) like Ig G-18,000 like Ig G, Differentiate B-Lymphocytes

 Types of Vaccine

1-Inactivated Vaccine- Vaccine consist of viral particles/bacterial/other pathogen that have been grown/processed in a culture media & killed to destroy diseases producing capacity. Ex-Rabies Vaccine

2-Live-attenuated vaccine- It is prepared by reducing the virulence(attenuated/weakened) of a pathogen (infectious agent) but stills keeping it viable( alive).ExAnthrax & FMD

3- Messenger-RNA(m- RNA-carry a message through RNA to produce protein of the body)- Prepared by  genetic engineering technique introducing a piece of m-RNA to the outer cell of pathogen that correspond to viral protein. Ex- COVID-19 Vaccine, Rabies(HDCV-prepared from Human diploid cell culture( imovax/sanofi—pure Cell Culture Vaccine-Vero-rab/Rabipore) & PCEC-Chick embryo—( Nobivac/defensor/Rakshya Rab-live vaccine)

4- Toxoid Vaccine-(0.5 ml vial) It( inactivated toxin) is prepared  by using the toxin( harmful product) made by the pathogen( germ) that cause disease. Ex-Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine(TT) – During childhood 5 doses are given and one after 5 years (  6th dose after 5 years of last dose at adolescence stage) then every 10 years interval-if taken within last 5 years then no need if any injury),–should be given to Horses & ponies—TT is to be given within 48 hours of injury.

5-Viral vector Vaccine- It is prepared by introducing a viral vector( spike protein of DNA to deliver genetic material that can be transcribed (a process by which a strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of m-RNA) by the recipient’s host cells as m-RNA coding for production of a desired protein/antigen to exhibit an immune response. Ex- Malaria, Fowl pox, CAD, Herpes Virus Vaccine

6- i- Subunit- It contains purified part of pathogen that are antigenic. Ex-Hepatitis-B

     ii-Recombinant- It is prepared by insertion of  viral DNA or RNA genetic code into yeast cell or Viruses resulting production of specific components of the original pathogen. Ex- Hepatitis-B


     iii-Polysaccharide- It builds immunity by exposing the immune system to a piece of sugar ( recognised by B-cells) from Bacteria’s coat. Ex- PPSV-23(Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine prevent against 23 pathogens causing pneumonia)

      iv- conjugate– It is one type of subunit vaccine which combines( fused) a weak antigen ( polysaccharide)with a strong antigen( carrier molecule) as a carrier so that immune system has a stronger response to wean antigen. Ex-PCV-13( against IPD-Infectious plural Disease)

Different Types of Vaccines used in India in Animals & Birds-commonly used

(Dose & Route of Administration as per specification of Concerned Company)




Name of the Vaccine Type Animal/


Dose Route of Administration Age Booster Trade Name Remarks
  HSV   Bovines/S/G/Pig 5ml S/C 6 months/pig. 2 months Twice a year Rakshya Bivac( HS+FMD)  
  BQ V   Bovines 5ml S/C 6 months Booster at 10 days with annually twice Rakshya Trivac( HS+BQ+


  Anthrax Spore Vaccine(ASV)   Bovine,

Sheep, Goat, Pig

5 ml S/C 4 months   All V Kid -2.5 ml-S/C Zoonotic
  FMD V   Bovines/S/G/Pig 5ml S/C 4 months/ >42 days in Pig Booster at 1 month latter with annually twice    Rarely Zoonotic
  Theileria(Exotic & CB)   Bovine     >3 months Once in life time    
  Brucella   Bovine/S/G/D/C/p     4-8 months Female  free of Br. only Once in life time   Male & Pregnant not given
  Lumpy Skin Disease( LSD)   Bovine 1ml S/C   GPV is used in 1: 100 dilution    
  IBR-Infectious Bovine Rhinotracites/like IPV-Infectious Pustular Vulvovaginities live Bovine 2m S/C Calves at 6 months of age of two doses of 6 months interval . Booster at 30 days  pre breeding  with annually once Bovi-Shield GOLD FP  
  BVD-Bovine Viral Diarrhoea   Bovine 2ml I/M >8 months Once in life time    
  PRRS-Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome V   Pig 2ml I/M Pre-breeding (in gilts) 1 -4 times a year SUIPRAVAC-100ml  
  PPR-Peste Des Petits   S/G 1ml S/C   Once in 3 years    
  Enterotoxaemia   S/G 5ml S/C        
  Tetanus Toxoid   All terrestrial Homothermal mammals ½ ml of one ample I/M   <48 hr of injury    
  Goat pox   S/G 5ml S/C   Once annually    
  CCPP-Contagious Caprine Pleuro Pneumonia bactrin S/G 5 ml S/C   Once annually    
  Hog Cholera/Swine fever   Pig 1ml S/C 25-30 days      
  Rabies   All terrestrial Homothermal mammals & Birds 1ml I/M        
  C.D (Canine Distemper/CP(Canine Parvo)/CPI(Canine Parinfluenza)/CAD-(Canine Adeno Virus)/KC(Kennel cough)/Corona/Hepatitis/Canine Pleuro-pneumonia   Dog 1ml I/M       DCPPI/Megavac/Pentadog/Vanguard


  Feline Pleuro pneumonia (FPLV)+Feline Calcivirus(FCV)+Feline  Viral Rhinotracites Virus(FVRCP)   Cat 1ml I/M >2 Months with booster after 1 month Annually once   Tri Cat
  Riemeralla anatipestifer-4 doses Live/Bacterin 3 & 4 Duck   Aerosol/drinking water//S/C//S/C 1st Day/10-14 day/3 week/10-20 wk     3
  Duck Viral Hepatitis V-3 doses Live/killed 2 & 3 Duck   S/C 4 Wk/10 Wk/20 Wk      
  Duck-Plague V/Duck Cholera V bacterin Duck(Vaccinate before unset of laying eggs-Pekin breed lay eggs at 24 wk)     8-12 WEEKS   CEVA-KAPEVAC  
  Duck Viral Entities V   Duck   S/C 4 week      
  Duck Salmonella V

(Also for Turkey & Chick)

  Duck   S/C     AviPro Salmonella Duo  
  Marex   Poultry 0.2 ml S/C at neck 1st Day      
  IBD Lukert   Poultry 0.2 ml Intr-Occular(eye) 3-4 Day      
  IBD Killed-2 doses   Poultry o.2 ml I/M  3-4 Day/23 wk      
  Lasota(New Castle Disease/RD-F1)-2 doses   Poultry   Eye drop/Nasal drop//DW 1 wk/3 wk      
  Infectious Bronchitis(IB)-2 doses   Poultry 0.5ml Oral/nasal/drinking water 18-22 day/12-13 wk      
  Gumbaro(IBD-Infectious Bursal Disease)-2 doses   Poultry   Oral/nasal/drinking water 2nd Wk/3rd wk      
  NCD/RD Plane   Poultry   S/C//DW 4wk      
  Fowl Pox-2 doses9 not effective in Duck)   Poultry   S/C//DW 56 Wk/9wk      
  NDC/RD   Poultry   S/C//DW 8–9wk      
  Fowl Cholera-2 doses   Poultry 0.5 ml S/C at breast muscle 8w/12 wk      
  Fowl Typhoid   Poultry   S/C 12 wk      
  NDC/RD-booster   Poultry   S/C 18 wk      
  NDC/RD-booster   Poultry   S/C 45-50 wk      

**NB-HSV/BQV dose of 5 ml. valid till 273 Kg BW (If >273 Kg BW then use 10 ml)


Age Name of Vaccine Dose Route
5-7th day Lasota I/R or I/O
14-16th day I.B.D. I/O or D/W
24-26th day I.B.D. (booster) D/W
30th day Lasota (booster) D/W
7th week Fowl Pox 0.2 ml. I/M
9th week Deworming
10th week R2B 0.5 ml. I/M
15th week Debeaking D/W
17th week Lasota


Age Name of Vaccine Dose Route
3-5th day Lasota I/O or I/n
7-9th day I.B.D. I/O or D/W
16-18th day I.B.D. (booster) D/W
24-26th day Lasota (booster) D/W

Note : I/N – Intra Nasal; I/O – Intra Ocular; D/W – Drinking water; I/M – Intra Muscular

Prepared & presented by Dr.Keshaba Chandra Samantaray ,M. V. Sc. (Gynaecology), Gold Medallist, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

Types of Veterinary Vaccines : Its Advantages & Disadvantages

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