Bengal cats are an intelligent and active breed prized for their boldly patterned coats. Descended from domestic cats and wild Asian leopard cats, they make affectionate and gentle pets.



Breed Highlights:
 The Bengal is a domestic cat that has physical features distinctive to the small forest-dwelling wildcats, and with the loving, dependable temperament of a family pet. As such, some characteristics in the appearance of the Bengal are distinct from those found in other domestic cat breeds.
4.5 – 6.5 kgs
33 – 40 cms
Life Expectancy:
9 – 15 years
Litter Size:
3-6 kittens
Breed Appearance:
Bengal cats are a lithe and agile breed and generally weigh between 8–15 pounds. They’re prized for their dense, short coats that are boldly patterned in different shades of brown, silver, and snow. Their fur is super soft to the touch, feeling a bit like bunny hair. The most common eye colours found in Bengal cats are brown, yellow, orange, and green.

A Bengal cat’s coat is what sets him apart from all other felines. In fact, Bengals are the only breed that can have rosette markings that directly reflect their wild Asian leopard ancestry. Spotted or marbled coats are also popular and just as gorgeous. Because their fur is so short, they only require a weekly brushing to remove loose hair and dead skin cells.

Although Bengal cats weigh about the same as a typical house cat, they’re generally larger in size because of their long, muscular bodies. And their lengthy legs make them excellent jumpers, so don’t be surprised if you find your Bengal staring down at you from shelves and countertops.

Although crosses between Asian leopard cats and domestic cats occurred as early as the 1800s, the breed didn’t really come into its own until the mid-20th century. Breeder and conservationist Jean Mill first crossed a domestic cat with an Asian leopard cat in 1963, according to the Cat Fanciers’ Association. By 1996, Bengals were registered by the CFA. The accepted animals come from the F6 generation or higher.

Of course, when you consider their warm, intelligent personalities and eye-popping coat colours and patterns, it’s no surprise that they have quickly become one of the most popular breeds in the world, outpacing cats that have been around for generations.

Currently Used As:
Bengals are very entertaining and affectionate. They make great pets, but you have to be prepared for their playful personality and incredible intelligence. Like their ancestors, Bengal cats are very active creatures. They are energetic and require entertainment. If these cats do not get the action they need, they may damage household items and furniture.

A Bengal cat with a tabby-pattern coat carrying a cat toy. Bengals are also known as avid thieves. They often steal and hide items they find intriguing (imagine jewellery, coins, keys). On top of this, most Bengals love splashing in the water and playing with paper, so keep important documents locked and offer lots of toys to keep them busy.

Overall, Bengal cats are confident, curious, and happy. They are no more aggressive than the average domestic cat, and, as with all cats, their temperament can be moulded with training. They are also friendly and loving, and it’s not unusual for them to develop great loyalty to a single family member.

Bengal cats are easier to train than most cat breeds. They are considered to be one of the smartest cat breeds. With time and consistency, they can learn tricks and develop certain behaviours. The effort involved to train your cat will depend on his or her personality and their interest level in the activity.
Health & Care:
Your Bengal cat will need all of the same immunizations and preventative health treatments as a domestic cat. They are not as immune to the feline leukaemia virus as their ALC ancestor is. Purebred cat breeds are more prone to genetic diseases than mixed breed domestic cats due to the fact that the gene population that they come from is smaller. As most Bengal cats today are several generations removed from the African leopard cat, they require no special care. They are simply larger “house cats.” You should groom your cat with weekly combing to remove the dead hair and help prevent hairballs. Trim your cat’s nails every couple of weeks and provide a scratching post. Provide a clean and fresh litter box as any cat is bound to start refusing to use a dirty, smelly one.

Bengal cats are active and you should provide a climbing tree and opportunities for your cat to find a perch to survey the room. Provide interactive toys to engage your cat. Spend time playing together; you can train your cat to fetch and “catch the laser dot.”

Bengal cats are known to love water, a trait that most house cats do not possess. You may have to be careful that your aquarium does not become a fishing pond. As with any cat, a Bengal cat is best kept as an indoors-only cat. That protects them from catching diseases from other animals, getting into fights, being attacked by predators, or being hit by vehicles. This breed should get along well with dogs and other cats. However, if you have gerbils, hamsters, or guinea pigs you may find them being stalked by your cat. It is best to keep cats separate from their natural prey.

Living Condition:
A Bengal cat is happiest when he’s near you. He doesn’t care where he lives, whether it be a big house or small apartment, as long as you and your family are nearby. But no matter the size of your space, a Bengal needs to have lots of things to do—and climb.

Owners should have at least one cat tree for this big kitty, along with plenty of toys to keep him entertained while you’re away. And if you spend long hours away from home, having a second cat is a good idea to help keep your pet amused and busy. Bengal cats also have a high prey drive and enjoy watching birds, squirrels, and other animals from safely inside your home. Because of his love of chattering at the window, it’s a great idea to install a carpeted perch (or two) to give him a comfortable viewing spot.

Bengals are active and intelligent cats. To keep him happy and healthy, you need to give him ample mental and physical stimulation. Just try not to leave breakable items on a shelf or mantel that your Bengal can reach. Remember: This breed is super agile, so it’s inevitable your cat will eventually explore every high-up spot he can reach. So, if you’re proud of your Faberge egg collection, secure them someplace where your cat can’t knock them over. Installing cat shelves in your home could help keep him away from your breakables, too!

And although they’re not considered couch potatoes, Bengals will curl up on your lap for a good snooze after a busy day of chasing toy mice.

Bengals love to run and play and especially to climb up high. A tall scratching post especially with perches at the top is a very good addition to a home with a Bengal.

A cat wheel such as the one made by one fast cat will help your Bengal get most of the exercise that they need. With very little training they usually take right to it! It’s so much fun to watch them walking and running full speed on the wheel. We find the exercise wheel made by one fast cat to be a nice quiet wheel relative to others we have purchased and it literally took less than ten minutes of play with our Bengal Girls to get them up and running.  From there it is just a matter of any new Kitten or cat watching others play and on and on it goes with no further training required in many cases.

The Bengal cat’s short glossy coat does not require excessive grooming but they will enjoy the attention gained from being groomed. As with most shorthair breeds, Bengal cats look after their coat very well. As with all cats, this breed needs regular vaccinations, parasite control and annual health checks.
·         Highly affectionate

·         Are inquisitive and intelligent

·         Love going on walks

·         Can get lonely

·         Love to scratch and make mischief

·         Get bored easily



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