Bio-Data of Dr. Nagendra Sharma


Brief Bio-Data of Dr. Nagendra Sharma

Dr. Nagendra sharma born on 5th September 1943 in a farming community of District Nalanda , Bihar. Dr. sharma has joined as Vice Chancellor of Sher-e- Kashmir university of Agricultural Sciences and technology of Jammu ( SKUAST-J) in December 2004 and continue upto 5th September 2008. Before joining to SKUAST –J, he was working as Director and Vice Chancellor of National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI- Deemed university) under India Council of Agricultural Research( ICAR) Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Dr. Sharma has remained a reputed scientist, outstanding teacher and Science manger. He is having distinction of working as Director of two National Institutes(NDRI, IVRI) and one Central Institute (CIRG) under ICAR. He is known and respected Scientist and contributed more than 200 hundred research papers in national and international Science journals of repute. Upto Ph. D degree he studied in various universities of India and earned his Doctor of Science (D.Sc) from France. His research in the field of lipid chemistry, bio-chemistry, cholesterol reduction, meat and milk processing are acclaimed through out world and for his scientific achievements many prestigious award have been confered upon him. He also worked in many international organizations like FAO,UNDP,WHO and participated or headed many scientific delegations to USA, UK, France, Denmark, Germany ,Sweden, Mozambique, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. He is member of many professional bodies and worked in many committees of Agriculture, Education, Health , accreditation of universities , Institutes etc.

He is the Hon.Chairman of the distinguished Editorial Board of the magazine the Pashudhan Praharee – पशुधन प्रहरी

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