Different type of enzymes in poultry feed diets


1. Phytase products were first introduced in the early 1990’s.
Phytase works by releasing some of the nondigestible phosphorus.

2. Xylinase is used to improve the digestibility of carbohydrates in feed ingredients and reduce gut viscocity.

3. Xylanase, on the other hand, releases energy from the fibrous portion of grains and grain byproducts.

4. Amylase is a digestive enzyme for starch and releases extra energy.

5. Protease is a protein digesting enzyme that breaks down storage proteins binding starch within feed ingredients

6. Proteases are also effective in releasing protein anti-nutrients found in ingredients like soybean meal. This function of proteases makes proteins more available.

7. Mannanase is a digestive enzyme that breaks down beta- mannans in guar and soya meal and reduces gut viscosity.

8. A combination of amylase, xylanase, protease , mannanase along with Phytase enzymes working together attack different poorly digestible portions of feed ingredients which increases energy available for growth and egg production.

9. The addition of these enzymes to the diet in combination typically increases energy available to birds significantly.

10. Since energy is the most expensive nutrient in the diet, the addition of amiylase , xylanase, protease , mannanase and phytase enzymes to poultry diets provides producers the opportunity to reduce feed costs by 200 Rs to 300 Rs for ton of feed according to feed ingredients used.

11. Actual savings depends on feed ingredient prices with increased savings as feed ingredient prices increase.

12. The use of feed enzymes in poultry feed allow producers to benefit from advances in enzyme technology in today’s competitive and challenging market.


13. In the market many enzymes are available with different Names, They usually contains protease , xylinase ,amylase , mannanase and phytase enzymes enhances dietery protein and carbohydrate digestibility

14. Farmers can reformulate feeds adjusting in corn diets and by adding
Enzymes and can reduce the feed cost while optimising meat and egg production in birds.

15. In Broilers field trials proved that adding enzymes on top has significant improved FCR points by 5 to 6 based on feed formulation.

16. Enzymes Inclusion levels varies from product to product generally 100 gms for ton of feed.

By-Dr V.Rajendra Prasad, Poultry consultant, Hyderabad.

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