The Kadaknath is an Indian breed of chicken (It is also spelt as ‘Karaknath’). It is alsolocally known as Kali masi in local language because the bird is black inside –out – skin, feathers, legs, meat,blood, etc. Most of the internal organs of these birds exhibit intense black colouration which is due to thedeposition of melanin pigment in the connective tissue of organs and in the dermis. The black flesh of Kadaknath isvery delicious and very popular among the native tribal people. The native poultry breed of Madhya Pradesh, Kadaknathis well suited to extreme climatic conditions. It tolerates extreme heat and cold climatic conditions and requiresminimal costs for maintenance. The meat is considered a delicacy and the birds have good demand in the market. Thoughcomparatively expensive the meat and eggs are rich source of protein. The commonly available varieties of Kadaknathare jet-black pencilled and Golden, which are found in Jhabua. The bird is very popular among the Adiwasis mainly dueto its special capabilities such as adaptability to local environmental, disease resistance, meat quality, texture andflavour.

The breed is native to India found in Madhya Pradesh. It is also known as Kali masi. The breed is popular for its good taste of meat production. It has black legs, black toe nails, black comb, black beak and black color meat and bones. It has light brown color eggs; slate-like color of feet, toes, shanks and beak, purple tongue, intense black coloration is seen in some internal organs. It mainly produces on an average of 80 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 46.8g.



·         Kadaknath – Native to Madhya Pradesh, India.

·         Silkie – Native to China.

·         AyyamCemani – Native to Indonesia.


·         Kadaknath chicken black meat has good medicinal values.

·         Kadaknath chicken meat is good textured and flavored.

·         Kadaknath chicken breeds are adaptable to any kind of environment either cool or hot

·         Kadaknath chicken meat and their eggs are sold for high price in the market.

·         This bird meat contains many kinds of amino acids, and vitamins when compared with other meat.

·         This meat helps to increase blood cells count and haemoglobin.

·         Some of the research shows Kadaknath chicken is said to be aids in curing pulmonary problems.

·         The high levels of Vitamin and Phosphorous content present in Kadaknath Chicken boosts body metabolism to a great extent providing sustained energy levels at all points of time

·         Another major contribution of Kadaknath Chicken to women’s health is its ability to solve menstruation related issues in them when consumed in a regular manner.

·         Women who suffer from frequent abortions can benefit from it since it possesses the medicinal quality to control the same.

·         The Kadaknath birds convert feed quickly into the meat (feed conversion ratio is high).

·         The Kadaknath chicken eggs are used to treat headaches, post delivery problems, asthma and nephritis.

·         Acute and chronic inflammation can also be cured when it is eaten regularly by people belonging to varying age groups. People who are suffering from Kidney related inflammation can benefit the maximum by eating it regularly.

·         Kadaknath chicken is said to be good for women health as well.

·         The tribal community in MP uses Kadaknath chicken blood in the treatment of chronic disease.

·         The Kadaknath chicken eggs are also have good nutrition values and good for old people.

·         Kadaknath black meat contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, niacin, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and nicotinic acid.

·         The Kadaknath breed is hardy and highly resistant for diseases and mortality is very low

·         Unlike broiler chicken kadaknath can survive even on kitchen waste.

·         The best advantage is, these birds meat has more protein, less fat and low cholesterol when compared to similar kind of poultry breeds.

·         Kadaknath chicken weighs about 1.5 Kg after growing 6 to 7 months.

·         Kadaknath is one of the rarest birds available in the world.

·         Commercial large. scale farming of Kadaknath chicken defiantly give good profits if proper marketing channel is established.

·         Some state governments like Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have incentive scheme for people who were interested in breeding the Kadaknath chicken.


Because of the fact that these birds have superb medicinal values, their meat cost about 600 to 800 Rs/kg. As we said above, these bird eggs also nutritious, they are sold up to 40 to 50 Rs/egg in the market.


The following chart compares the Kadaknath nutritional values with other chicken breeds.



Protein content


Kadaknath Chicken




Other Breeds of Chickens

18 to 20%

Fat content


0.73 to 1.03


13 to 25%
Linoleic Acid




Cholesterol 184mg / 100gm / 100gm

Kadaknath Chicken Breed information:

Particulars Kadaknath
Weight of Day Old Kadaknath Chicks 28 to 30 grams
Bird Body Colour Jet black
Price for Parent Stock (chicks) Rs. 20 to 22
Body weight in 8 weeks 0.8 0.9 kg
Period required to attain 1 kg of body weight 13 to14 Weeks
Survival rate 95 %
Period required to attain 1.5 to 2 Kg Body weight Like Country Chicken
Total weight (male) 2.3 to 2.5 kg
Total weight (female) 1.6 to 1.8 kg
Quality of Meat Black like pure country chicken
Taste of the meat It tastes like country chicken.
Meat percentage without skin (dressed) 65 %
Management/Maintenance Low
Are these good for Commercial or Backyard poultry farming Good for both
Age for first egg laying 23 to 24 weeks
Broodyness Less
Egg laying/month 11-12
Annual egg laying 120
Average egg weight 40 to 45 grams.
Egg colour Brown
Feed required 50 kg for entire growth


·         Get good breeds of Kadaknath birds from standard government and private poultry farms

·         Make sure you bring day old chicks with proper vaccinations.

·         Start with 30 to 50 birds and keep increasing the bird count as you gain the experience.

·         Find out with poultry department of Agriculture University and veterinary universities for chicks and feed information.

·         Some state government are providing incentives on these birds breeding, avail those benefits.

·         For couple of weeks birds require proper care and provide necessary shelter /light /water/feed.

·         Don’t start on large scale without knowing the poultry line of business.

·         If you are starting a commercial Kadaknath chicken farming, make sure you establish a proper marketing channel.

·         Follow the scheduled vaccination chart to avoid any bacterial and viral diseases.


All the managemental practices before brooding or before receiving the chicks in other sense various measures, which we provide in preparation for new-hatched chicks arriving at our farm.

Shelter and care: For chicken farming, suitable land is chosen in which maximum chick development and egg development takes place. The shelter should be at some height from the road so that rain water will easily flow out and it will also protect them from the flood. Fresh water supply must be there. It must have 24 hours electricity supply. The chicken shelter must be away from the industrial and urban area because the fertilizer of chicken will pollute the environment and causes flies’ problem. Chose the shelter which is free from noise as the noise problem will affect the production of birds. The smoke of factories will also affect the birds.
 We will study different factors, which play very important role in the process of pre-brooding management and main purpose of this process is to avoid different diseases, which cause great economical losses due to poor managemental practices, Prevention is most and best economical method of disease control. Prevention is best achieved by the use of sanitation and biosecurity programmes.

Poultry house sanitation begins with a clean sanitized house prepared well in advance of arrival of chicks. Each house should remain empty at least two weeks after, it is disinfected and fumigate .The effectiveness of sanitizing a house is depended upon the extend of the cleaning before the germicide is applied. This cleaning helps to control disease because,

a) It reduces number of pathogenic organisms.

b) Remove material that helps in multiplication of pathogens.

c) Expose surface to the disinfectant and fumigants.


Phases in the Procedure—–

In the process of pre-brooding management following measures are generally considered for taking good results.

A- Selection of area

B- Cleaning

C- Removal of litter

D- Clean the equipment

E -Dusting/web removal

F – Repairing

G – White Washing

H- Disinfection

I- Fumigation

J- Provision of different materials

K-Equipment testing

L- Arrival of chicks


A-Selection of area——–

Most important factors, is the selection of area in the shed .The house should be cleaned and disinfected, immediate preparation is necessary so that the building may lie empty for one to two weeks prior to placing new chicks in them.

Disinfection and fumigation will kill most of the disease-producing organisms. An empty house will break the life cycle of pathogens. This process reduces the chances of infection and if shed fenced around property it will save birds from predators. At least 80–100 feet away from other sheds with minimum traffic is suitable. There has been increasing numbers of objections from residence near poultry sites claim that they suffer nuisance to the quality of their lives but also causes ill health. Good ventilation and environmental conditions will greatly help in reducing smell. Good management of environment is best way to reduce complaint smell and manure.


There is no hope of overall hygiene process being fully effective if there is any much left in the house. There are basics flaws in the construction allowing penetration of the structure by the pathogens for example previous services, poor protection of joints wear on floors and inaccessibility of certain parts such as ventilators. The cleaning process must involve following.

C- Removal of litters———

Old litter should remove from the poultry house if it is piled near the house, rats and vermin may carry the residual disease back into the house.

D- Clean the equipment————

All equipment must be washed with Kmno4 and disinfected .The equipment should be moved outside the house in sun an area inside the fenced enclosure to complete the cleaning process. The equipment should be moved back into the house.

a) House ceiling and walls

Remove dusty walls and ceiling with moderate volume of water. Using boiling water is most effective and economical method for disinfection purpose.

b) Clean out old feed

Unused feed should not hold over from one brood of birds to the next feed bins and feeders should be completely cleaned.

E-Dusting/Web removal————

Once litter has been removed the next priority should be removal of numerous spider web that bloom here and there on walls, flying birds often enter in the sheds and build nests in ceiling, these should be removed.


During this period done all the repairing work like repairing work of gas pipes, brooders, electricall equipments, windows and doors.

Wash House———-

Wash ceiling walls floor with generous amounts of water. Preferably add some detergent to wash house. Next all cracks crevices in the wall floor or ceiling should be filled up. All leakage in the gas pipes or water pipes should be sealed, electric short circuit should be corrected and fuse etc should be replaced.


A basic essential is that disinfection programme must be most carefully planned. The disinfection of a building implies the elimination from the house all microorganism that are capable of causing disease. Follow the manufacture instruction carefully and make sure that the disinfection has proven active against the pathogens.


This is the very important procedure to give a final boost to the disinfection programme, at this stage the house is setup ready for the next crop for this purpose formaldehyde gas is most suitable.

The shed should be properly sealed before fumigation 17.5 gram Kmno4 and 35 CC formaline can be used for fumigation.

I-Provision of material

i) Litter

Put the litter in the selected area, there should be ample supply of relevant material e.g rice husk, saw dust litter should be economical, comfortable and absorbent, saw dust may be from hard wood or soft wood while using for chicks soft wood saw dust should be used because hard wood contains tannin which will be eaten by chicks and result in high mortality due to vent pasting .Try to cover saw dust by newspaper or paper so that chicks cannot eat it in the beginning.

ii) Feed

For starter you may use ground maize, which is easily digestible and due to its high fiber content reduce pasting problem. It is a good source of energy.

iii) Fuel
In case you are using kerosene oil, wood or coal burning brooders, you should have stocks of relevant fuel.

iv) Equipment testing
Never forget the functional capability of your brooders. The burners should be controlled properly. The gas or electric supply should be proper.


Following precautionary measures may be undertaken at the arrival of chicks.

i) The chicks should be arrive early in the morning so that you have full day to observe them and take care of them.

ii) Place the chick guard (2-3 feet from the edge and increase area weekly this will reduce cannabalism and increase feed utilization.

iii) Do flushing at start for this use 250gm sugar/gallon of water, which is mixed to provide carbohydrate to chick and clear the digestive tract.

iv) Use ground maize for 2-3 days for feeding because it contains more fibers, which is easily digestible.

v) Use certain broad-spectrum antibiotics for 5 to 7 days. If chicks are healthy, then use for 3 days and if there is infection then give about for 7 days to reduce the outbreak.e.g:

·         Vendox

·         Erythro

·         Neodox forte

vi) Brooder temperature should be kept at 90-95F each week and don’t go less than 75F.This temperature should be recorded at the height of about two inches above the litter on the outer edge.

vii) Farm manager should be present and ever alert, count the number of the chicks, closely regulates temperature of shed and of the brooder and above all observes closely, all requirements of birds.


 Care of newborn chicks: Raising baby chicks requires proper attention and an incubator. Eggs are placed in incubator for about 21 days by giving suitable temperature. After hatching, chicks are removed form incubator after 48 hours. Handling of chicks should be done carefully while taking out from the incubator. After taking out chicks from the incubator, they are placed in the brooder. For the first week the temperature of brooder must be 95oF and it must be dropped by 5oF for every following week. Proper feed at proper must be given to chicks and clean water must be available every time in the brooder.


For starter i.e. chicks having an age of 0-10 weeks the protein level must be 10-20% in their diet. For meat birds such as pheasant, quail and turkey 22-24% protein is required. The higher level of protein helps to increase the growth of chicks. For grower, the protein level must be 15-16% in their diet and for layers; the protein level must be 16% in their diet.

•    Water:
For the starter i.e. the first water of chick should include 1/4th cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of Terramycin/gallon and second water include 1 teaspoon of Terramycin and then normal water is given. Provide one quart of water to every four chickens. Water must be fresh and clean.

•    Carbohydrates:
Carbohydrates are necessary to maintain the temperature and to mix body fat. For this whole, they need energy which will come from carbohydrates. Don’t exceed the amount of carbohydrate more than 10% in their feed as it is difficult for them to digest.

•    Mineral material:
The mineral material is used to make bones and eggs and used for other body works. The mineral material includes Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Sulphur, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Iodine, Zinc, Cobalt and Selenium.  Mainly all these materials are obtained from feed.

Recommended vaccines: Updated vaccines are also required for their good growth. Some major vaccines or medicines which are required for maintaining chicken’s good health are as follows:
•    When the chick is one day old give them HVT vaccination to protect them from Marek’s disease. The influence of injection will remain up to 18 months.
•    When the chick is 4-7days old give them RD vaccination (F1 strain) to protect them from Ranikhet disease. The influence of this injection will remain for 2-4 months.
•    When the chick is 18-21days old give them IBD vaccination to protect them from Gumboro disease.
•    When the chick is 4-5 weeks old give them RD (F1 strain) vaccination to protect them from Ranikhet disease.
•    When the chick is 6-8 weeks old give them RD (F2B strain) vaccination to protect them from Ranikhet disease. 0.5ml of medicine is given to the chick.
•    When the chick is 8-10 weeks old give them chicken pox vaccination to protect them from chicken pox disease.

Bird flu (Avian influenza):
It is caused by influenza and it increases the death rate 100%. The infection comes out through the respiratory pipe, tears and waste. The disease spreads very early from one chicken to another. It can also spread through unhealthy food and water utensils, cages and clothes. The symptoms are lazy chickens, less hunger, less egg production, comb color turns yellow, and early death.
Prevention: Stop taking anything inside or outside from chicken farm. Separate shoes will be used inside the farm. Make the hole and add medicine in mentioned amount so that before entering the farm dip your foot in the treated water. Germ destroyer such as Qualitol should be sprayed around the farm.
Cautions during disease: Because this disease affects the human, wear proper clothes and gloves before picking the diseased chickens. Burn or bury the dead and influenced chickens in the soil. Meat can be made at 70oC as it kills the infection and it is used for eating.

Vitamin A deficiency:
The symptoms of this disease are beak and legs get fainted yellow and shaking head.
Treatment: Add more amount of Vitamin A in the feed and gave them green feed.

Fainted paws:
The disease is mainly caused due to vitamin B2 deficiency and it is mainly seen is growing animals. The symptoms are paws turn inside.
Treatment: Add Vitamin B2 in the feed.

Vitamin D deficiency:
The disease is mainly caused due to vitamin B2 deficiency or due to an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
Treatment: Add Vitamin D3 in the feed.

Chicken pox:
It is a contagious disease and it can be spread in any age of the bird. The symptoms are sores on a comb, around eyes and ears.
Treatment: Homeopathic medicine of antimonium torterix @5ml/100 birds is given to cure chicken pox.

It is a parasitic disease which is caused by coccidian protozoan. The disease is mainly caused to the chick having age between 3-10 weeks. It also affects the adult ones.
Treatment: Proper cleaning should be done. Approximately up to 12 weeks chick’s give coccidiostat in the feed, for eg befran or amprol @50g/qtl feed, clopidol @125g/qtl, stanorol @50g/ton of feed. Change the medicine after every 1-2 years. Mix the medicine properly in the feed.

Leucosis and marek’s:
It is a contagious disease which is infected to another animal via air, feathers, soil etc. Leucosis doesn’t spread through air and doesn’t spread through the polluted environment.
Marek’s symptoms: It is mainly caused to chicks having age between 1-4 months and sometime it is caused to 30 days old chicken. The symptoms are fainted legs, feather and neck, grey color eyes and ultimately they get blind.
Leucosis symptoms: It is mainly caused to chicken having age more than 4 months. They symptoms are increase in liver in size and ulcers are found in all body parts except veins.
Treatment: When the chick is one day old vaccinate them with Marek’s vaccine. Proper cleanliness and care should be taken.

Ranikhet disease:
It is also known as New Castle disease. It is a very contagious disease and it is spread to every age bird. The symptoms are increased death rate, difficulty in breathing, fainted legs and feathers.
Treatment: When the chicks are 1-6 days old vaccinate it with Ranikhet medicine of F strain and broilers should be vaccinate after 4 weeks interval with F-1 vaccination.

Fatty liver syndrome (FLS):
The disease is mainly caused due to feed digestion problem which causes fat deposition in the body. This disease is mainly found in egg producing chicken or broiler which has given more energy feed. The symptoms are 50% less egg production, weight reduces up to 20-25% and blood spots are seen on liver and body.
Treatment: Decrease the energy content in the feed. Mix 100g choline chloride, 10,000 I U Vitamin E, 1.2mg Vitamin B12 and 100g incitol in 1 quintal of feed.

It is mainly caused due to humidity and hot rains. The symptoms are less hunger, less egg production, increased thirst and decrease in blood level.
Treatment: Livol or liv-52 or tefroli tonic is given in feed or given through water. Vitamin A and Vitamin E @60,000 IU/acre and 300 IU/acre is given respectively.Farmers, landless labor and poor widows can grow kadaknath  birds in back yards. Kadaknath chickens are best suited for back yard farming rather growing on commercial scales. The meat quality and disease resistance nature of kadaknath chicken can create great revolution poultry industries.


Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)




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