Veterinary Council of India (Procedure for recognition and de-recognition of Veterinary Colleges and Veterinary Qualifications) Rules, 2017

Published vide Notification No. G.S.R. 489(E), dated 19.5.2017

Last Updated 22nd March, 2019 [act3381]

G.S.R. 489(E). – In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 64 read with section 15 and section 21 of the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984 (52 of 1984), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:-

Part I


  1. Short title and commencement.– (1) These rules may be called the Veterinary Council of India (Procedure for recognition and de-recognition of Veterinary Colleges and Veterinary Qualifications) Rules, 2017.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

  1. Definition.– (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, –

(a) “Act” means the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984 (52 of 1984);

(b) “Advisory Committee” means the committee constituted by the Central Government under rule 16 of these rules;

(c) “Council” means the Veterinary Council of India established under section 3 of the Act;

(d) “Form” means a form annexed to these rules;

(e) “First Schedule” means the First Schedule to the Act ;

(f) “MSVE Regulations” means the Veterinary Council of India Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education – (Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry – Degree Course) Regulations, 2016;

(g) “President” means the President of the Council;

(h) “Provisionally recognised veterinary college” means a veterinary college which is not included in the First Schedule and where admissions of students are allowed by the Central Government by grant and renewal of letter of permission under these rules.

(i) “Recognised veterinary college” means a Veterinary College recognised by the Central Government by including it in the First Schedule in the manner specified in the Act and these rules;

(j) “Recognised veterinary qualification” means recognised veterinary qualification as defined in clause (e) of section 2 of the Act;

(k) “Schedule” means a schedule annexed to these rules;

(l) “University” means a university established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act granting veterinary qualification through its constituent or affiliated veterinary college;

(m) “Veterinary College” means a college or institution, being either a constituent college of a University or affiliated to a University, and engaged in teaching of Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry degree course or any other veterinary qualification;

(n) “Veterinary Institution” means the institutions as defined in clause (j) of section 2 of the Act ;

(o) “Veterinary qualification” means and includes the following degrees and diplomas namely : –

(i) Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc and A.H.);

(ii) Bachelor of Science (Vety.) (B.Sc. (Vet.));

(iii) Bachelor of Veterinary Animal Science (B.V.A.Sc.);

(iv) Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences (B.V.Sc);

(v) Graduate in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry (G.V.Sc. and A.H.);

(vi) Graduate of Bengal Veterinary College (G.B.V.C.);

(vii) Graduate of Bihar Veterinary College (G.B.V.C.);

(viii) Graduate of Bombay Veterinary College (G.B.V.G.);

(ix) Graduate of Madras Veterinary College (G.M.V.G.);

(x) Graduate in Veterinary Sciences (G.V.Sc);

(xi) Any other degree or diploma or any other veterinary qualification included in the First Schedule.

(2) Words and expressions used in these rules and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act.

Part II

Eligibility Criteria for Recognition of Veterinary Colleges

  1. Recognition of veterinary college.– No person shall establish a Veterinary College and no Veterinary College shall admit students or increase the intake of students beyond the permitted number, except after obtaining prior permission from the Central Government in accordance with these rules.
  2. Eligibility Criteria for recognition of veterinary colleges.– The following organisations shall be eligible to apply in Form-I for recognition of a veterinary college or veterinary qualification, namely: –

(i) a State Government or Union territory;

(ii) a University;

(iii) an autonomous body promoted by the Central and State Government by or under a statute for the purpose of veterinary education;

(iv) a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) or corresponding Acts in States, if any;

(v) a public religious or charitable trust created and registered under the Public Trusts Act, or any like Act, in force in the State where such trust is domiciled or a waqf registered under the Waqf Act, 1995 (43 of 1995);

  1. Qualifying criteria.– The organizations eligible under rule 4 shall qualify to apply for recognition of Veterinary College or a Veterinary qualification, if the following conditions are fulfilled, namely: –

(a) the applicant shall be in control and management of the Veterinary College through which it intends for veterinary qualification or impart veterinary education and training to students leading to the grant of a Veterinary qualification ;

Explanation. – For the purpose of these rules, a person shall be deemed to be in control and management of a Veterinary College when it has the right to appoint or remove the governing body or head of the Veterinary College and is in control of finances or funding of the Veterinary College.

(b) in case the applicant falls in any of the categories other than the categories under clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of rule 4, it should have imparting of veterinary education and training as one of its main objectives;

(c) the applicant has requisite financial capabilities, as demonstrated by its annual returns and accounts for the last three years, to establish and maintain a Veterinary College and its ancillary facilities, including a teaching veterinary hospital or a Veterinary Clinical Complex and an Instructional Livestock Farm Complex as per the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations;

(d) suitable land of the size, as specified under the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations, to house all structures and encamp all the facilities, as specified under the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations,, is owned and possessed by the applicant or is possessed by the applicant under a lease of thirty years or more from the concerned Government or Government agency and that the said piece of land or the lease, as the case may be, stands duly registered in the name of the applicant.

Provided also that, the Instructional Livestock Farm Complex shall be within a radius of twenty Kilometers of the campus of the Veterinary College.

Provided that all infrastructural facilities specified herein and in the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations, except for the Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, shall be on a single contiguous plot of land.

Provided further that, all such permissions as may be necessary for construction, establishment, maintenance and operation of the Veterinary College, including a veterinary hospital or veterinary clinical complex and instructional livestock farm complex, has been taken from the competent government agency;

(e) the building plan of the Veterinary College shall be prepared by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture constituted under the Architects Act, 1972(20 of 1972), and duly approved by the competent authority as designated by concerned State Government or Union territory;

(f) the applicant owns and manages a veterinary clinical complex or a veterinary hospital or has an arrangement with a State veterinary hospital, and an Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, as laid down in the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations, equipped with all infrastructural facilities as specified therein and the veterinary hospital or Veterinary Clinical Complex, if owned by the applicant, shall be within the campus of the Veterinary College and under full financial and technical control of the applicant;

(g) the applicant has recruited teaching and non-teaching staff required for the first academic year, as specified in MSVE regulations, and prepared a ‘manpower programme’ for implementation in the Veterinary College upon receipt of the letter of permission from the Central Government and Such manpower programme shall be in connonance with the requirements specified in MSVE regulations and shall provide for department-wise and year wise planning in respect of;

(i) teaching staff (regular),

(ii) technical staff (regular),

(iii) administrative staff (regular),

(iv) ancillary staff,

(v) salary structure,

(vi) recruitment procedure, and

(vii) recruitment calendar

Provided that in addition to recruiting the teaching and non-teaching staff for the first academic year, the applicant, other than an applicant falling within the provisions of sub-clauses (i) and (ii) of rule 4, shall also be required to submit as part of its application in Form-I, the documentary proof of having created a fixed deposit for a minimum duration of two years with a Scheduled bank for an amount equivalent to the estimated cost of salaries and other benefits payable to the teaching staff for the second academic year.

(h) the applicant shall have already constructed and set up, at least for the first and second academic years, the required infrastructural facilities as stipulated in Schedule II hereto and in accordance with the standards specified in the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations ;

(i) the applicant has prepared time bound programmes to provide for additional manpower for the second, third and fourth academic years, and additional infrastructural facilities, including in relation to veterinary clinical complex and Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, for the third and fourth academic years, in accordance with the standards specified in the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations, so as to collectively provide and complete all the necessary facilities within a period of one year from the date of grant of the letter of permission by the Central Government to commence the admissions to the Veterinary College;

(j) the Veterinary College shall not have the words such as, ?Government’ or ?Indian’ or ?National’ or ?All India’ or any other names prohibited under the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use), 1950 as part of its name in any form so as to give an impression that the said Veterinary College belongs to or is managed by the Government or has Government patronage and these restrictions shall not be applicable for those Veterinary Colleges which are established by or under and with the name approved by the State or Central Government.

Part III

Application for Recognition of a Veterinary College or Veterinary Qualification

  • Application for recognition of a Veterinary College or veterinary qualification.– (1) The application for recognition of a Veterinary College or veterinary qualification shall be submitted in Form-I by any of the organisations eligible under rule 4, who duly qualify under rule 5 to make such an application, along with the documents as may be specified by these rules, to the Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011.

(2) The application under sub-rule (1) of rule 6 shall be accompanied by the documents as specified in Form-I and a detailed project report along with proposed fund flow statement for next five years duly certified by a registered Cost Accountant or Charted Accountant and the detailed project report shall include the building programme, educational programme, functional programme, equipment programme and manpower programme.

  • Procedure for evaluation of the application for recognition.– (1) On receipt of an application in the specified Form along with the prescribed fee, the Central Government shall refer such application to the Council for evaluation and recommendations and all applications under these rules shall be processed according to the time-schedule specified in Schedule I.

(2) The Council shall scrutinise the applications and any application that is found incomplete in any respect or where the applicant does not meet the eligibility or qualification criteria, shall be returned by the Council to the applicant, with a copy marked to the Central Government, pointing out the deficiencies observed in the application during the scrutiny and giving an opportunity to the applicant to rectify the said deficiencies within the time specified in Schedule I.

(3) The applications which are found complete and where the applicant fulfills the criteria under rule 4 and 5, shall be placed before the Executive Committee of the Council constituted under section 12 of the Act, which shall examine the said applications on the basis of the requirements stipulated in these rules and the requirements under the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations.

(4) Upon examination of the application, if the Executive Committee decides that it is a fit case for conducting physical inspection of the Veterinary College, it shall depute such number of inspectors as if deemed necessary for inspection of the Veterinary College in accordance with the provision of section 19 of the Act, the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations and the Veterinary Council of India (Inspectors and Visitors) Regulations, 1991.

(5) Where the Council forms an opinion that the application shall be rejected without conducting a physical inspection, it shall reject the application giving sufficient reasons and intimate the applicant of such rejection with a copy to the Central Government.

(6) After the inspection is completed, the inspectors shall prepare a report on the adequacy of the standards of veterinary education including infrastructure, staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities available at the Veterinary College and shall submit the same to the Executive Committee of the Council.

(7) The Executive Committee, after considering the report mentioned in sub-rule (6), shall send a copy of the said report, with such remarks as may be necessary, to the applicant seeking comments on the contents of the said report and a copy of the inspection report shall also be forwarded by the Council to the concerned University.

(8) After receipt of the comments from the Veterinary College, the Council shall forward the inspectors’ report mentioned in sub-rule (6), along with the Executive Committee’s remarks and the comments received from the applicant to the Central Government with a recommendation whether to issue a Letter of Intent to the applicant or not.

(9) Where the Council recommends issuance of the Letter of Intent to the Central Government, it shall along with its recommendation also specify such additional requirements that need to be fulfilled by the applicant or such deficiencies that need to be cured, before a Letter of Permission can be granted in favour of the applicant by the Central Government.

(10) Where the Council recommends to the Central Government against the issue of Letter of Intent to the applicant, it shall submit its reasons for such recommendation in writing and the Central Government may, decide to issue a Letter of Intent to the applicant despite the recommendation to the contrary received from the Council.

(11) The Letter of Intent issued by the Central Government shall, inter alia, contain details of such additional requirements or deficiencies as communicated to it by the Council in addition to any other conditions or modifications, including the submission of bank guarantee by applicants not falling under clauses (i) and (ii) of rule 4, as required under these rules, as the Central Government may deem fit to impose for grant of the Letter of Permission :

Provided that the applicants falling under clauses (i) and (ii) of rule 4 shall be exempted from submission of such bank guarantee subject to that they submit an undertaking from the concerned University and the Chief Secretary of the concerned State or the equivalent official of the concerned Union territory, as the case may be, to ensure compliance of minimum standard of veterinary education regulations in the Veterinary College at all times and a copy of the Letter of Intent shall also be forwarded by the Central Government to the Council and the concerned University.

(12) The applicant shall be required to convey its acceptance of the Letter of Intent, in writing, to the Central Government accompanied with documentary evidence of the applicant having satisfied the conditions stipulated in the Letter of Intent or an undertaking, in the form of an affidavit signed by a member of the governing body of the applicant, as the case may be, to meet such conditions and the acceptance received from the applicant shall be forwarded by the Central Government to the Council for its consideration for the purpose of making appropriate recommendation to the Central Government regarding the issuance of Letter of Permission to the applicant.

(13) Subject to the applicant meeting the conditions laid down in the Letter of Intent or its undertaking in writing to meet the conditions and comply with the modifications and other additional requirements contained in the Letter of Intent, and submission of the bank guarantee as required (if applicable), the Council shall send its recommendation in writing to the Central Government recommending the grant or otherwise of the Letter of Permission to the applicant and such recommendation shall also include the number of seats in the Veterinary College proposed to be established by the applicant may be allowed to have in its first two academic years.

(14) On recommendation of the Council, the Central Government may issue a Letter of Permission to the applicant permitting the applicant to admit students to the Veterinary College in accordance with these rules and a copy of the Letter of Permission shall also be forward by the Central Government to the Council and the concerned University.

(15) Where the Council recommends against the grant of the Letter of Permission to the applicant, it shall convey its reasons for such recommendation to the Central Government in writing.

(16) If the Central Government decides not to issue the Letter of Permission, its decision along with the recommendation received from the Council shall be conveyed to the applicant, with a copy to the Council and the concerned University, and the bank guarantee furnished by the applicant at the time of making such application shall be released in favour of the applicant.

Provided, the fee paid by the applicant along with the application shall not be refunded.

  • Letter of Permission.– (1) The Letter of Permission shall be granted for the first two academic years in the first instance and the Veterinary College shall only be allowed to admit students for the first and second academic years.

(2) The grant of the Letter of Permission shall be subject to the applicant satisfying requirements stipulated in the Letter of Intent and, in case of applicants not falling under clauses (i) and (ii) of rule 4, furnishing a bank guarantee for an amount of Rs. 5,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crores only) in favour of ‘Veterinary Council of India’ from a Scheduled bank situated in Delhi and which shall initially be valid for a period of five years and thereafter, the said bank guarantee shall be extended from year to year by the applicant and shall at no point of time be allowed to lapse.

(3) In case of applicants not falling under clauses (i) and (ii) of rule 4, the grant of the Letter of Permission shall also be subject to the applicant furnishing adequate documentary proof of having created a fixed deposit for a minimum duration of two years with a Scheduled bank equal to the amount of estimated annual salaries payable to the faculty proposed to be employed by the Veterinary College during its second academic year.

  • Renewal of letter of permission.– (1) The permission granted by the Letter of Permission shall be renewable for the third and fourth academic years subject to verification of the progress of the targets as submitted by the applicant as part of its application in Form-I as well as any targets specified in the Letter of Intent issued by the Central Government to the applicant.

(2) All applications under these rules for renewal of the Letter of Permission shall be processed according to the time-schedule specified in Schedule III.

(3) The applicant shall apply to the Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011, for renewal of the Letter of Permission at least one year prior to the scheduled commencement of its third academic year in Form – X.

(4) Prior to making the application in Form-X, the applicant shall have to,

(i) comply all the targets as projected by it in the detailed project report submitted along with Form-I as well as the targets specified in the Letter of Intent;

(ii) recruit teaching and non-teaching staff required for the third academic year, as specified in minimum standard of veterinary education regulations and prepare a ‘manpower recruitment programme’ for implementation in the fourth academic year and in case of applicants not falling under clauses (i) and (ii) of rule 4, in addition to recruiting the teaching and non-teaching staff for the third academic year, the applicant shall also be required to submit as part of its application in Form-X, documentary proof of having created a fixed deposit for a minimum duration of two years with a Scheduled bank for an amount equivalent to the estimated cost of salaries and other benefits payable to the teaching staff for the fourth academic year.

(5) Upon receipt of the renewal application, the Central Government shall forward the same to the Council and the Council shall, after conducting scrutiny of the application, depute such number of inspectors as deemed necessary for inspection of the Veterinary College in accordance with the provision of section 19 of the Act, the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations and the Veterinary Council of India (Inspectors and Visitors) Regulations, 1991.

(6) The inspection of Veterinary College shall be conducted by the inspectors in accordance with the procedure specified in the Veterinary Council of India (Inspectors and Visitors) Regulations, 1991 and after the inspection is completed, the inspectors shall prepare an inspection report on the adequacy of the standards of veterinary education including infrastructure, staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities available at the Veterinary College and shall submit the same to the Executive Committee of the Council.

(7) The Executive Committee, after considering the report mentioned in sub-rule (6), shall send a copy of the said report, with such remarks as may be necessary, to the applicant seeking comments on the contents of the said report and copy of such inspection report shall also be forwarded by the Council to the concerned University.

(8) After receipt of the comments from the applicant, the Council shall forward the inspectors’ report specified in sub-rule (6), along with the Executive Committee’s remarks and the comments received from the Veterinary College, to the Central Government with a recommendation whether to renew the Letter of Permission granted to the Veterinary College or not.

(9) Where the Council recommends against the renewal of the permission to the applicant, it shall convey its reasons for such recommendation to the Central Government in writing.

(10) If the Central Government decides not to renew the permission, its decision along with the recommendation received from the Council shall be conveyed to the applicant, with copies to the Council and the concerned University.

(11) If the Council recommends the renewal of the Letter of Permission to the applicant, the Central Government may renew the permission in favour of the applicant permitting the applicant to admit students to the Veterinary College for the third and fourth academic years and a copy of such renewal of Letter of Permission shall also be forwarded by the Central Government to the Council and concerned University

(12) In the event of non-renewal of the Letter of Permission to a Veterinary College in respect of any succeeding academic year, the students of the said Veterinary College shall be shifted to a recognised Veterinary College as provided in these rules hereinafter.

(13) If the application for renewal of permission of a Veterinary College is rejected, the applicant may apply again after removing the deficiencies which had caused the rejection of application for renewal and in case the Veterinary College is granted permission to admit students at a later stage, the case shall be treated as a fresh case and only such students as are admitted after the grant of permission or renewal by the Central Government shall be considered for the award of a Recognised Veterinary Qualification and the applicant shall have to procure an undertaking to this effect from the University to which it is affiliated.

  • Grant of recognition to a Veterinary College or Veterinary Qualification by inclusion in the First Schedule.– (1) A provisionally recognized Veterinary College shall be required to apply to the Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011 in the specified Form – XIat least one year prior to the scheduled commencement of its fourth academic year for its inclusion in the First Schedule (‘Application for final recognition’).

(2) The application for final recognition shall be accompanied with a Project Report showing that the said Veterinary College has all the necessary facilities, manpower and equipments as per the standards specified in the minimum standard of veterinary education regulations, and such other documents as may be specified in Form-XI and the application for final recognition shall be processed in accordance with Schedule-IV.

(3) The procedure specified in rule 9 for scrutiny and examination of the renewal application, deputation of inspectors for inspecting the Veterinary College, inspection of the veterinary college, consideration of the inspection report by the Council, sending of the inspection report to the concerned Veterinary College and the University, receipt of comments from the Veterinary College on the inspection report, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the application for final recognition made in rule 10.

(4) After consideration of the comments made by the Veterinary College on the inspection report, if any, the Council shall forward the inspection report, the comments received from the Veterinary College on the inspection report and its recommendation under sub-section (2) of section 15 of the Act whether to include the Veterinary College or the Veterinary Qualification in the First Schedule or not, to the Central Government and where the Council makes a recommendation against inclusion of the Veterinary College or the Veterinary Qualification in the First Schedule, it shall state its reasons for such recommendation in writing.

(5) Based on the recommendation received from the Council, the Central Government may include the name of the Veterinary College or the Veterinary Qualification both in the First Schedule and shall issue a certificate of recognition to the Veterinary College and a copy of such certificate of recognition shall also be forwarded by the Central Government to the Council and the concerned University.

(6) If the Central Government is of the view that the recognition under sub-section (2) of section 15 of the Act to any Veterinary Qualification shall not be granted, the reasons for such refusal shall be recorded and communicated to the applicant or the Veterinary College in writing, with copies to the Council and the concerned University.

(7) If the Central Government decides to not grant recognition to a Veterinary College, the students of the said Veterinary College shall be shifted to a recognised Veterinary College as provided in these rules hereinafter.

  • Phase wise requirements.– The applicant seeking recognition under these rules shall create such minimum physical facilities and appoint such minimum manpower in the Veterinary College in different phases as specified in Schedule II.

Part IV

Application for Increasing the Admission Capacity in the Recognised Veterinary College

  • Application for increasing the admission capacity in the recognised Veterinary College.– (1) An application for expansion of a recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution or increasing the number of intake of students in the recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution or both shall be submitted in Form-XII, along with such fee and other documents as may be specified by these rules, to the Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 11001.

(2) The application under sub rule (1) shall be accompanied by the documents as specified in Form-IA along with, where applicable, a detailed project report which shall include the building programme, educational programme, functional programme, equipment programme and manpower programme that the applicant intends to implement to provide necessary facilities for the increased number of students.

[(3) The applicant seeking increase in number of intake of students in the recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution under sub-rule(1) shall create the minimum infrastructure and appoint such minimum manpower as specified in Schedule V.

(4) All applications under this rule shall be processed within such period as specified in Schedule IV]

  • Qualifying criteria for submission of application for increase in admission capacity of a recognised Veterinary College.– A recognised Veterinary College shall qualify to apply for increasing its admission capacity if the following conditions are fulfilled, namely: –

(a) the applicant has obtained an essentiality certificate in the specified format from the respective State Government or the Union territory administration, as the case may be, regarding feasibility and desirability of increasing the admission capacity in the existing recognized Veterinary College to the proposed capacity;

(b) the applicant has obtained a “No Objection Certificate” in the specified format from the respective State Government or Union territory Administration for the increase in the admission capacity of the concerned Veterinary College to the proposed capacity;

(c) the applicant has obtained a Letter of Consent from the affiliating University for the increase in the admission capacity of the concerned Veterinary College to the proposed capacity;

(d) the applicant has the necessary financial capabilities, as demonstrated by the annual returns and accounts for the last three years, to maintain the Veterinary College with the increased admission capacity;

(e) that suitable land of the size, as specified under the minimum standards of veterinary education regulations, to house all structures and encamp all necessary facilities with respect to the proposed increased student intake capacity, as specified under the minimum standards of veterinary education regulations, is owned and possessed by the applicant or is possessed by the applicant under a lease of thirty years or more from the concerned Government or Government agency and that the said piece of land or the lease, as the case may be, stands duly registered in the name of the applicant and all infrastructural facilities, except for the instructional livestock farm complex, shall be on a single contiguous plot of land.

Provided that, all such permissions as may be necessary for construction, establishment, maintenance and operation of the additional infrastructure at the Veterinary College, including a veterinary hospital or Veterinary Clinical Complex and Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, has been taken from the competent government agency;

(f) the building plan of the proposed additional infrastructural facilities to be constructed by the applicant in the Veterinary College to meet the requirements with respect to the proposed increased admission capacity as stipulated in the minimum standards of veterinary education regulations, shall have been prepared by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture constituted under the Architects Act, 1972 (20 of 1972), and duly approved by the competent authority as designated by concerned State Government or Union territory.

  • Procedure for evaluation of application for increase in admission capacity of a recognised Veterinary College or a Veterinary Institution offering a recognised Veterinary Qualification.– (1) On receipt of an application for increase in admission capacity in the specified Form along with the specified fee, the Central Government shall refer such application to the Council for evaluation and recommendations within a period of fifteen days from the date of receipt of application.

(2) The procedure specified in rule 9 for scrutiny and examination of the renewal of the letter of permission application, deputation of inspectors for inspecting the Veterinary College, inspection of the Veterinary College, consideration of the inspection report by the Council, sending of the inspection report to the concerned Veterinary College and the University, receipt of comments from the Veterinary College on the inspection report, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the application for increasing the admission capacity made under rule 12.

(3) After consideration of the comments made by the Veterinary College on the inspection report, if any, the Council shall forward the inspection report, the comments received from the Veterinary College on the inspection report and its recommendation under sub-section (2) of section 15 of the Act whether to permit the increase the seats of the admission capacity of the applicant Veterinary College, to the Central Government and where the Council makes a recommendation against grant of the permission, it shall state its reasons for such recommendation in writing.

(4) Based on the recommendation received from the Council, the Central Government may permit the increase in admission capacity of the recognised Veterinary College by issuing a certificate of permission to the recognised Veterinary College with copies to the Council and the concerned University.

(5) If the Central Government is of the view that the permission to increase the admission capacity shall not be granted, the reasons for such refusal shall be recorded and communicated to the applicant or the recognised Veterinary College in writing, with copies to the Council and the concerned University.

  • Fee.– The applications in Form-I, Form – X, Form – XI and Form – XII shall be accompanied with a fee of rupees one lakh fifty thousand only and the fee shall be deposited by way of a Demand Draft or Pay Order in the name of Veterinary Council of India, payable at New Delhi and applicants falling under clauses (i) and (ii) of rule 4 shall be exempted from such application fee.

Part V

Advisory Committee

  • Advisory Committee.– (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules or any other law for the time being in force, if the Council fails to make any recommendation, within the specified time as required in these rules, to the Central Government for the purpose of recognition of Veterinary Qualification or Veterinary College for any academic year, including the recommendation for inclusion of the Veterinary College or the Veterinary Qualification in the First Schedule, or in respect of an application for increasing the admission capacity of a recognised Veterinary College, the Central Government may constitute an Advisory Committee of experts and delegate the duties of the Council in respect of inspection of Veterinary Colleges and recommendations to the Central Government under these rules to such Advisory Committee.

(2) The Advisory Committee referred to in sub-rule (1) shall comprise of the following members, namely: –

(i) One member from Indian Council of Agricultural Research to be nominated by the Director General of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research;

(ii) Vice Chancellors of two Universities which, or Veterinary Colleges affiliated to which, are included in the First Schedule, to be nominated by the Central Government;

(iii) Dean or Associate Dean of a recognized Veterinary College to be nominated by the Central Government;

(iv) Principal Secretary or Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, of the concerned State or his nominee who shall not be an officer below the rank of Director or Commissioner or Director General.

(3) For the purpose of these rules, the Advisory Committee shall have all the powers vested in the Council to enable it to perform its functions, including the power to, if it deems necessary, appoint such number of veterinary inspectors as it may deem fit to inspect the concerned Veterinary College for the purpose of making the required recommendation to the Central Government.

(4) The veterinary inspectors appointed by the Advisory Committee shall have all the rights and duties of the veterinary inspectors appointed by the Council under section 19 of this Act and the Veterinary Council of India (Inspectors and Visitors) Regulations, 1991.

(5) If in a particular case, an inspection has already been conducted by the Council and report thereof submitted to the Central Government, the Advisory Committee may instead of conducting a fresh inspection, make its recommendation to the Central Government on the basis of the existing inspection report and if the Advisory Committee deems necessary, it may summon the concerned veterinary inspectors to provide such explanations and clarifications as may be required for the purpose of making the recommendation to the Central Government.

(6) The recommendation of such Advisory Committee shall have the same effect as any recommendation of the Council to the Central Government.

(7) The Advisory Committee shall be dissolved after its recommendation specified under sub-rule (1).

(8) The terms and conditions of services of such members of the Advisory Committee constituted by the Central Government shall be as per the prevailing General Financial Rules of the Government of India.

Part VI


  • Inspection of Veterinary Colleges or Veterinary Institutions already included in the First Schedule.– (1) The Veterinary Institutions or Veterinary Colleges which are already included or Veterinary Qualifications which are already granted in the First schedule,, shall be inspected by the Council from time to time, in accordance with the provisions of sections 19 or 20 of the Act and the Veterinary Council of India (Inspectors and Visitors) Regulations, 1991, to oversee the compliance of these rules and minimum standard of veterinary education regulations.

(2) In the event of the inspection being conducted by Inspectors, the inspection report shall be placed before the Executive Committee of the Council, while in the event of inspection by Visitors, the inspection report shall be submitted to the President of the Council in confidence.

(3) If upon considering the inspection report, the Council comes to a conclusion that the circumstances as laid down in clauses (a) of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 21 of the Act exist in respect of the Veterinary Institution or Veterinary College inspected by the Council, the Council shall make a representation to that effect to the Central Government.

(4) If upon consideration of such representation, the Central Government concludes it to be a fit case, it may, within thirty days of the receipt of the representation from the Council, send the said representation to the concerned State Government through the Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry of the State in which the Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution is situated for further action.

(5) The concerned State Government shall, within thirty days of the receipt of the representation from the Central Government, forward the said representation along with such remarks as it may choose to make to the concerned Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution, requiring the concerned Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution to submit its explanation to the State Government within thirty days of the receipt of the said representation from the State Government.

(6) Within fifteen days of the receipt of the explanation or, where no explanation is submitted within the period specified in sub-rule (5) hereinabove, then on expiry of that period, the State Government shall make its recommendation to the Central Government regarding the de-recognition of the concerned Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution.

(7) Within fifteen days of the receipt of the recommendation from the State Government, the Central Government may, if it deems fit, constitute an inquiry committee to make such inquiries into the standards of the concerned Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution as may be necessary and of the inquiry committee constituted under this rule shall submit its report within twenty one days of its constitution.

(8) Subject to the report submitted by the inquiry committee, the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that an entry shall be made in the appropriate Schedule against the concerned Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution declaring that a Veterinary Qualification granted to students of the concerned Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution shall be a recognised Veterinary Qualification only when granted before a specified date:

Provided further that before issuing such notification the Central Government may consult the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

Provided that the Central Government may issue such notification without constituting any inquiry committee if in its opinion the recommendation received from the concerned State Government is adequate for the purpose.

(9) The copies of the notification issued by the Central Government under sub-rule (8) shall be sent to the Council, the concerned State Government, the concerned Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution and the concerned University within three days of the publication of the notification in the Official Gazette.

Part VII

Restoration of Recognition of De-Recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution

  • Restoration of recognition of de-recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution.– A de-recognised Veterinary Institution or Veterinary College, shall not be permitted to admit students for any of its academic years until such time that its recognition or the recognition of the Veterinary Qualification granted by it is restored.

(1) An application for restoration of recognition of a de-recognised Veterinary Institution or Veterinary College may be made to the Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairies and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001 by furnishing a commitment in the form of an affidavit along with a detailed report, and such documents as may be necessary, for the removal of the deficiencies which had formed the basis of its de-recognition and the affidavit mentioned above shall be signed by a member of the governing body of the Veterinary Institution or Veterinary College duly authorised in this regard:

(2) On receipt of application from the de-recognised Veterinary Institution or Veterinary College, the Central Government shall follow the similar procedure as applicable to grant of recognition to a Veterinary College by its inclusion in the First Schedule as specified in rule 10.

Provided that the concerned State Government or University in case of Veterinary Institutions or Veterinary Colleges established by a State Government or a University, the said application for restoration of recognition shall be made through the concerned State Government or University, as the case may be, and the detailed report establishing the removal of deficiencies to be submitted along the application shall be duly authenticated, as the case may be.

  • Shifting of students.– (1) If a de-recognised Veterinary College fails to restore its recognition at least three months before the commencement of the next immediate academic year, the students already admitted therein shall be assessed by the University by conducting appropriate tests and based on the results of such assessment tests, the students may be shifted to another recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution granting a recognised Veterinary Qualification affiliated to the same University by the Council, with the approval of Central Government:

Provided that if the University has no other Veterinary Colleges or Veterinary Institution affiliated to it, the students of the de-recognised Veterinary College shall be shifted by the Council to a recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution granting a recognised Veterinary Qualification within the same State within which the de-recognised Veterinary College is situated:

Provided that further that if there is no other Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution within the said State, the Council shall be empowered to shift the students to any other recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution granting a recognised Veterinary Qualification in the country:

Provided also that no Veterinary Institution or Veterinary College shall be under an obligation to admit any more students than fifteen percent of its sanctioned number of seats and accordingly the number of seats available for admissions in the consecutive academic year in such Veterinary Institution or Veterinary College shall be reduced by such number of students as admitted by it under this rule:

(2) If the recognition of a de-recognised Veterinary College is not restored till such time that the students admitted to it need to be shifted to a recognised Veterinary College or Veterinary Institution granting a recognised Veterinary qualification, the bank guarantee submitted by it shall be enchased by the Council with prior permission of the Central Government and the cost of transferring the students under these rules shall be met with the amount realised from encashment of the said bank guarantee under the supervision of the Central Government.

(3) The provisions of sub-rules (1) and (2) regarding the shifting of students shall also apply to students admitted to a provisionally recognised Veterinary College, Letter of Permission granted to which is not renewed or which is refused final recognition by the Central Government.

Schedule – I

Schedule for receipt of applications in Form-I

Sr. No. Stage of processing Last Date
1. Receipt of applications by the Central Government. By 31st August
2. Receipt of applications by the Veterinary Council of India from Central Government. By 15th September
3. Scrutiny of the applications by the Veterinary Council of India and return of applications found defective to the applicant with a copy to the Central Government. By 1st October
4. Re-submission of the application after removal of defects by the applicant By 15th October
5. Recommendations of Veterinary Council of India to Central Government for issue of Letter of Intent. By 15th December
6. Issue of Letter of Intent by the Central Government. By 1st January
7. Receipt of reply from the applicant to the Central Government requesting for Letter of permission. By 30th January
8. Receipt of applicant’s reply to the Letter of Intent by the Veterinary Council of India from Central Government. By 15th February
9. Recommendation of Veterinary Council of India to Central Government for issue of Letter of Permission. By 15th March
10. Issue of Letter of Permission by the Central Government. By 31st March

Schedule – II

  • Minimum requirements prior to submission of the application in Form-I by the applicant for recognition of Veterinary College: –

(a) The applicant should have not less than 15 acres of land at its disposal, whether by way of ownership or lease from Government or Government agency of 30 years or more, earmarked for the Veterinary College of which 5 acres minimum should be earmarked for fodder production.

(b) The Veterinary College shall have an Administrative Block with the following facilities, namely: –

(i) Dean or Principal’s office room with attached toilet room and retiring room,

(ii) Personal Staff room,

(iii) Committee room,

(iv) Visitors’ room,

(v) Office rooms accommodating office staff of Academic, Accounts and Establishment Sections,

(vi) Record room,

(vii) Central store room,

(viii) Toilet facilities for visitors and office staff,

(ix) Typing, Duplicating and Photocopying facilities

(c) The Veterinary College shall have recruited the following manpower, namely: –

Dean or Principal 1
Personal Assistant or Personal Secretary to the Dean or Principal 1
Academic Assistant 1
Accountant 1
Establishment Assistant 1
Computer Operator 1
Store keeper 1
Assistant Librarian 1
Library Attendant 2
Multi-tasking staff 1
Drivers 2
Electrician 1
Plumber 1
Gardener 1
Peon or Messengers 2
Sweepers 4

(d) In addition to the above, the Veterinary College shall have the following common facilities, namely –

(i) College Library equipped with adequate books, journals and periodicals; reprographic and duplication facilities; internet connectivity and reading rooms with adequate seating accommodation;

(ii) An auditorium with minimum seating capacity of 300;

(iii) Canteen;

(iv) A Conference hall with multimedia projections system with minimum seating capacity of 100;

(v) Two lecture halls fitted with audio-visual projection system with minimum seating capacity of 100 each;

(vi) Distillation or Deionizer plants;

(vii) Drinking water facility;

(viii) Play grounds with games and sports facilities including indoor games facilities;

(ix) Hostels for boys and girls with common room, mess etc.;

(x) Transport facilities including bus, minibus, staff car, ambulatory van and mobile diagnostic unit;

(xi) Central Computer lab;

(xii) Photography Unit with all facilities

(e) The following departments shall have been established in the Veterinary College, and adequate teaching faculty shall have been recruited, in accordance with such requirements relating to buildings, manpower and equipments as stipulated in MSVE Regulations:

(i) Veterinary Anatomy,

(ii) Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry,

(iii) Livestock Production Management,

(iv) Veterinary Clinical Complex (VCC),

(v) Instructional Livestock Farm Complex (LFC),

  • Minimum requirements prior to submission of the application in Form-X for renewal of Letter of Permission.– The following departments shall have been established in the Veterinary College, and adequate teaching faculty shall have been recruited, in accordance with such requirements relating to buildings, manpower and equipments as stipulated in MSVE Regulations before submission of the application for Renewal of Letter of Permission to the Central Government:

(a) Veterinary Pathology,

(b) Veterinary Microbiology,

(c) Animal Genetics and Breeding,

(d) Animal Nutrition.

  • Minimum requirements prior to submission of application in From-XI for Final Recognition of the Veterinary College.– The following departments shall have been established in the Veterinary College, and adequate teaching faculty shall have been recruited, in accordance with such requirements relating to manpower and equipments as stipulated in MSVE Regulations before submission of the application for Final Recognition of the Veterinary College to the Central Government:

(a) Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology,

(b) Veterinary Parasitology,

(c) Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology,

(d) Livestock Products Technology,

(e) Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education.

  • Minimum requirements prior to the commencement of the fourth academic year.– The following Departments shall be established in the Veterinary College, and adequate teaching faculty shall have been recruited, at least six months before the start of the annual examinations of the third academic year in accordance with such requirements relating to manpower and equipments as stipulated in MSVE Regulations:

(a) Veterinary Surgery and Radiology,

(b) Veterinary Medicine,

(c) Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics.

Schedule – III

Schedule for receipt of applications in Form-X

Sr. No. Stage of processing Last Date
1. Receipt of applications by the Central Government. By 31st August
2. Receipt of applications by the Veterinary Council of India from Central Govt. By 15th September
3. Scrutiny of the applications by the Veterinary Council of India and return of applications found defective to the applicant with a copy to the Central Government By 15th October
4. Re-submission of the application after removal of defects by the applicant By 30th October
5. Recommendations of Veterinary Council of India to Central Government for renewal of Letter of Permission By 15th January
6. Issue of Letter of Renewal of Letter of Permission by the Central Government. By 1st February

Schedule – IV

Schedule for receipt of applications in Form-XI

Sr. No. Stage of processing Last Date
1. Receipt of applications by the Central Government. By 31st August
2. Receipt of applications by the Veterinary Council of India from Central Govt. By 15th September
3. Scrutiny of the applications by the Veterinary Council of India and return of applications found defective to the applicant with a copy to the Central Government By 15th October
4. Re-submission of the application after removal of defects by the applicant By 30th October
5. Recommendations of Veterinary Council of India to Central Government for grant of Final Recognition to the Applicant By 15th January
6. Issue of Letter of Recognition by the Central Government to the Applicant. By 1st February

[Schedule -V]

  • Minimum requirements prior to submission of application in rule 12 for any increase in the number of intake of students from 81 upto 120 in a recognised Veterinary College or a Veterinary Institution offering a recognised Veterinary Qualification. –

(1) The annual admissions for a course shall preferably be divided in two theoretical batches, for admissions from 81 to 100, in case the seating capacity of the lecture halls is not able to accommodate 100 admissions and it shall have two theoretical batches for admissions from 101 to 120.

(2) Each Veterinary College shall exist with a minimum of five teachers with at least one professor in each of the Seventeen Departments as provided in MSVE Regulations.

(3) Each Veterinary College shall have at least eight lecture halls fitted with audio-visual projection system, in case the annual admissions for a course are divided in two theoretical batches.

(4) The following shall be Department-wise minimum manpower, namely:-

(a) Veterinary Anatomy

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(b) Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(c) Livestock Production Management

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(d) Veterinary Microbiology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(e) Veterinary Pathology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(f) Animal Genetics and Breeding

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 2;

(g) Animal Nutrition

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 2;

(h) Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicologgy

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 2;

(i) Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 2;

(j) Veterinary Parasitology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(k) Livestock Product Technology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(l) Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 2;

(m) Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(n) Veterinary Medicine

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(o) Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4.

(5) The Department of Veterinary Physiology shall have the following facilities, namely:-

Student’s microscope – 15.

(6) The Department of Veterinary Microbiology shall have the following facilities, namely:-

Student microscope with light source – 20.

(7) The Department of Veterinary Pathology shall have the following facilities, namely:-

Binocular microscopes – 30.

(8) The Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding shall have the following facilities, namely:-

Computers Lab with minimum 20 to 30 Computers.

  • Minimum requirements prior to submission of application under rule 12 for any increase in the number of intake of students from 121 up to 160 in a recognised Veterinary College or Institution offering a recognised Veterinary Qualification .

(1) The annual number of intake of students for a course shall be divided in two theoretical batches.

(2) Each Veterinary College shall exist with a minimum of six teachers with at least one professor in each of the Seventeen Departments as provided in MSVE Regulations.

(3) There shall be two Veterinary Clinical Complexes established not beyond twenty kms of the radius of college and shall also has well equipped outdoor and indoor patient sections (including canine) and client accommodation facilities and the complex shall have medical, surgical, gynecological, diagnostic and ambulatory clinical sections.

(4) Each Veterinary College shall have at least eight lecture halls fitted with audio-visual projection system.

(5) The following shall be department-wise minimum manpower requirement, namely:-

(a) Veterinary Anatomy

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(b) Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 5;

(c) Livestock Production Management

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(d) Veterinary Microbiology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(e) Veterinary Pathology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(f) Animal Genetics and Breeding

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(g) Animal Nutrition

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(h) Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicologgy

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(i) Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(j) Veterinary Parasitology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(k) Livestock Product Technology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 4;

(l) Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 3;

(m) Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 5;

(n) Veterinary Medicine

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 5;

(o) Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor – 5;

(p) Veterinary Clinical Complex – 2(Two)

(i) Professor – 1;

(ii) Associate Professor (Internship) – 2;

(iii) Assistant Professor Clinical Pathology for Diagnostic Laboratory – 2;

(iv) Assistant Professor (Veterinary Biochemistry) – 2;

(v) Assistant Professor (Medicine-3, Surgery-2, Gynaecology-2) -7;

(vi) Record Keeper cum Data Operator – 2;

(vii) Registration Assistant – 2;

(viii) In-charge medical store – 2;

(ix) Compounder or Pharmacist or Veterinary and Livestock Development Assistant (VLDA) – 8;

(x) Laboratory Technician – 2;

(xi) Radiographer – 2.

(6) The following shall be the requirements in Department of Veterinary Anatomy

(i) Osteology and Arthrology – 2 laboratories;

(ii) Dissection hall with attached embalming rooms – 2 halls;

(iii) Histology and Embryology – 2 laboratories;

(iv) Museum – one.

(7) The Department of Veterinary Anatomy shall have the following facilities

(i) Marble-torpor S.S Top tables (with drainage)- for dissection – 20;

(ii) Compound microscopes – 60;

(iii) Binocular microscopes – 20;

(iv) Autoclave – 2;

(v) P H meter – 2;

(vi) CCTV attachment for Microscope – 2;

(vii) Slide warmer – 4;

(viii) Semiautomatic or Automatic rotary microtome – 4;

(ix) Tissue floatation bath – 4;

(x) Histoembedder – 2;

(xi) Animal hoisting unit with hooks etc – 2;

(xii) Post mortem sets – 4.

(8) The Department of Veterinary Physiology shall have the following facilities, namely:-

Student’s microscope – 15.

(9) The Department of Veterinary Microbiology shall have the following facilities, namely:-

Student microscope with light source – 20.

(10) The Department of Veterinary Pathology shall have the following facilities, namely:-

Binocular microscopes – 30.

(11) The Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding shall have the following facilities, namely:-

Computers Lab with minimum 20 to 30 Computers.

  • Subject to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Schedule, the other requirements specified under the MSVE Regulations shall be complied with before making any application for increase in the number of intake of students under rule 12 by the recognised veterinary college or the veterinary institute, as the case may be.

Form- I

Format of Application For Recognition by the Central Government of Veterinary Qualification or a Veterinary College

1. Name of the Applicant
2. Address of Registered office of the Applicant (No., Street, City, Pin Code, Telephone, Telex, Telefax)
3. Category of the Applicant (State Government/ Union territory/ University/ Statutory Autonomous Body/ Society/ Trust/ Waqf)
4. Date and Registration No. (in case of a Society/Trust/Waqf) or of Recognition (in case of a University)
5. Name and address of the Veterinary College
6. Name of the Veterinary Qualification
7. Name of Affiliating University
8. Basic Infrastructural Facilities Available for the Veterinary College and the Attached VCC and ILFC (Phase Wise Requirements are Described in Schedule II)
9. Managerial Capability: –
Composition of the applicant, particulars of governing body of the applicant, particulars of the head or project director of the Veterinary College along with their qualification and experience in the field of veterinary education
10. Financial Capability
Balance Sheet/ Annual Returns for the last 3 years to be provided if the applicant is a Society or Trust or Waqf.
  1. Justification for Establishment

(a) Needs and availability of trained veterinary manpower in the concerned State or Union Territory;

(b) Number of livestock including number of veterinary hospitals or dispensaries in the catchment area;

(c) Reason behind establishment of such Veterinary College by the said applicant

  1. Educational Programme

(a) Proposed annual intake of students,

(b) Admission criteria to be adopted,

(c) Method of admission,

(d) Reservation or preferential allocation of seats,

(e) Department wise and year wise curriculum of studies, both theory and practical.

  • Functional Programme

(a) Department wise and service wise functional requirements,

(b) Area distribution and room wise seating capability,

(c) Facilities for lectures and seminars.

  • Equipment Programme.– Department and room wise list of Equipments complete with year wise schedule of quantities and specifications of all equipments required for imparting veterinary education as per minimum standard of veterinary education regulations.
  • Man Power Programme.– Department wise and year wise list of recruited or appointed (for the first academic year) and proposed to be recruited or appointed (for the second, third and fourth academic years):

(a) Teaching staff (regular),

(b) Technical staff (regular),

(c) Administrative staff (regular),

(d) Ancillary staff,

(e) Salary structure,

(f) Recruitment procedure,

(g) Recruitment calendar.

  • Building Programme.– Building wise built up area of:

(a) Veterinary college (departments, lecture theatre examination hall, museum etc.),

(b) Veterinary Clinical Complex,

(c) Instructional Livestock Farm Complex,

(d) Faculty and staff housing,

(e) Students hostels,

(f) Administrative office,

(g) Library,

(h) Auditorium,

(i) Animal house,

(j) Cultural and recreational centre,

(k) Sports complex,

(l) Post-mortem section with incineration facility and waste management system,

(m) Cadaver and animal experimentation facility,

(n) Others (state name of the facility).

  • Planning and Layout

(a) Master plan of the veterinary college, VCC and ILFC,

(b) Layout plans, sections,

(c) Elevations and floor wise area calculations of the Veterinary colleges and ancillary buildings.

  • Phasing and Scheduling.– Month wise schedule of activities for the third and fourth academic years indicating –

(a) Commencement and completion of building design,

(b) Local body approvals,

(c) Civil construction,

(d) Provision of engineering services and equipment,

(e) Requirement of staff,

(f) Phasing of commissioning.

  • Project Cost

(a) Capital cost of land,

(b) Buildings,

(c) Plant and machinery,

(d) Equipments,

(e) Furniture and fixtures,

(f) Preliminary and preoperative expenses.

  • Means of Financing the Project

(a) Contribution of the applicant,

(b) Grants,

(c) Donations ,

(d) Equity,

(e) Term loans,

(f) Other sources (if any).

  • Revenue Assumptions

(a) Fee structure ,

(b) Estimated annual revenue from other sources for the next five years,

(c) Projected total revenue statements for the next five years.

  • Expenditure Assumptions

(a) Estimated operating expenses for the next five years,

(b) Estimated capital expenditure for the next five years,

  • Operating Results

(a) Income statement for the last 3 years

(b) Cash flow statement for the last 3 years

(c) Annual returns for the last 3 years

Note. – For Items 14 to 16 a comparative statement showing the relevant Veterinary Council of India norms vis-à-vis infrastructure or faculty available or proposed to be made available should be annexed.

Name and Signature of Applicant

List of Enclosures:

  1. Certified copies of complete constitutional documents of the applicant.
  2. Certified copy of Certificate of registration or incorporation of the applicant.
  3. Certified copy of the resolution or other authorisation document by which the applicant has been authorised to establish a Veterinary College and to make the application under these Rules to seek recognition.
  4. No Objection Certificate from the State Government or the Union Territory Government or Administration, as the case may be (Form-II).
  5. Essentiality Certificate issued by the respective State Government or Union territory Government or Administration, as the case may be (Form-III).
  6. Certified copy of the letter of consent of affiliation issued by a University (Form IV)or the letter/ certificate of affiliation or temporary affiliation issued by a University.
  7. Report from the concerned University verifying the physical and other facilities available at the Veterinary College (Form-V).
  8. A Detailed Project Report including the building programme, educational programme, functional programme, equipment programme and man power programme.
  9. Certified copy of the title deeds/ sale deeds/ gift deeds/ any other document in respect of the total available land as proof of its ownership issued by the relevant competent authority.
  10. Certified copy of the lease deed of the land, where the land is leased issued by the relevant competent authority.
  11. Certified copy of zoning plans of the available sites indicating their land use or land use certificates and land conversion certificates where applicable issued by the relevant competent authority.
  12. Certified copies of land records containing map of the area showing the land survey no. and location of the site of Veterinary College and ILFC as well as its access from the nearby and adjoining roads issued by the relevant competent authority.
  13. Certified copies of the land records showing the contiguity of the land.
  14. An affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 by a member of the governing body of the applicant deposing that the applicant has clear title to the land accompanied with verification or due diligence report by a practising advocate.
  15. Certified copy of the Site Plan and building plan of the Veterinary College prepared by an architect registered with the Council for Architecture (COA) and duly approved by the competent Plan Sanctioning Authority of the concerned State or Union Territory Administration.
  16. Plan of built up structure available exclusively for the Veterinary College with a table clearly mentioning all rooms, with carpet area of each room (in sq. ft), as specified in MSVE Regulations, certified by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  17. Copies of floor plans, sections and elevations of all existing academic buildings including area details certified by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  18. An affidavit about building construction with respect to approved building plan, carpet and built up area (sqft.) and number of rooms, LFC, VCC and other infrastructure with respect to Veterinary Council of India norms, on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 or- and a certificate of verification from an Architect registered with Council of Architecture.
  19. Declarations from the faculty engaged by the applicant Veterinary College (Form-VI).
  20. Declarations from the administrative, technical, support and ancillary staff recruited by the applicant Veterinary College (Form-VII)
  21. Copies of Annual reports and Audited Balance sheets for the last three years of the applicant duly certified by a chartered accountant.
  22. An affidavit about financial position regarding working capital (funds) as stated in Form – I in the form of FDRs, actual balance in Current & Savings accounts on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 or/and a certificate by the Bank Branch Manager;
  23. Authorization letter addressed to the bankers of the applicant authorizing the Central Government or Veterinary Council of India to make independent enquiries regarding the financial track record of the applicant.
  24. Fee, as specified
  25. Duly notarised undertaking to be submitted by a Competent or authorised person representing the applicant (Form – VIII).
  26. Duly notarised undertaking to be submitted by a Competent or authorised official representing the University, where a University is the applicant (Form – IX).
  27. An affidavit, on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100, stating that the information given in the application is true and stating that if the applicant fails to disclose all the information or suppresses or misrepresents any of the information or if it is found that the information given in the application is false, it shall be liable to be proceeded against in accordance with law, including but not limited to its de-recognition or withdrawal of the permission granted to it under these Rules.
  28. Any other documents that the applicant wishes to submit (Please indicate details).


No Objection Certificate From State Government/ Union Territory Government/ Administration

No. ______________ Dated, ________

Government of ________

Department of Animal Husbandry, ___________________________



The (Name of the Applicant) ________________________________ has applied for establishment of a Veterinary College at __________________________ (complete address of the Veterinary College with phone no.). On careful consideration of the proposal, the Government/ Administration of ________________ (Name of the State/ Union Territory) has no objection towards the establishment of a Veterinary College as per the Veterinary Council of India Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education – (Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry – Degree Course) Regulations, 2016, as amended from time to time and this No Objection Certificate is being issued to that effect.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Competent Authority
of the State Government/ Union Territory Administration)

Form – III

Subject: Essentiality Certificate

No. Dated,

Government of ______________

Department of Animal Husbandry

To (Applicant),


The desired certificate is as follows: –

(1) Number of veterinary college or institutions already existing in the State or Union territory.

(2) Number of seats available or no. of veterinary doctors graduating annually.

(3) Number of veterinary practitioners registered with the State Veterinary Council.

(4) Number of veterinary practitioners in Government service.

(5) Number of government posts lying vacant for veterinary practitioners

(6) Number of government posts in rural or difficult areas for veterinary practitioners.

(7) Number of veterinary practitioners registered with Employment Exchange.

(8) Veterinary practitioners to animal population ratio presently in the State or Union territory.

(9) Veterinary practitioners to animal patient ratio presently in the State or Union territory.

(10) Veterinary practitioners to animal patient ratio proposed to be achieved by the State.

(11) How the establishment of the Veterinary College would resolve the problem of deficiencies of qualified veterinary practitioners in the State/ Union Territory and improve the availability of such veterinary manpower in the State/ Union Territory.

(12) The restrictions imposed by the State Government/ Union Territory Administration, if any, on students who are not domiciled in the State/ Union Territory from obtaining admissions in the State, be specified.

(13) Full justification for establishing the proposed Veterinary College.

The (Name of the person) ________________________________ has applied for establishment of a Veterinary College at _________________________. On careful consideration of the proposal, the Government of ________ has decided to issue an essentiality certificate to the applicant for the establishment of a Veterinary college with _____ (no. of seats).

It is certified that: –

  1. The applicant owns and manages a Veterinary Clinical Complex (VCC) and Instructional Livestock Farm Complex (ILFC) as specified in the Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education Regulations which were established in ___________ .
  2. It is desirable to establish a Veterinary College in the public interest;
  3. Establishment of a Veterinary College at _____________ by (the name of the applicant) is feasible.
  4. Adequate clinical material as per the Veterinary Council of India norms is available with the applicant.

It is further certified that in case the applicant fails to create infrastructure for the veterinary college as per the rules framed by the Central Government and the regulations framed by the Veterinary Council of India, as a result of which the permission for taking fresh admissions is withdrawn by the Central Government, the State Government/Union Territory shall fully cooperate in shifting the students already admitted in the Veterinary College to a recognised Veterinary College.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Competent Authority)

of the State Government/ Union Territory Administration)

Form- IV

Letter of Consent From the University

Date ………………….. No …………………..
Place …………………..

University of …………………..



Subject:    Consent of Affiliation to ________________________________ Name of Veterinary College with address)

The Honourable Vice-Chancellor on the basis of the report of the University Inspection Committee and approval of the Board of Management of the University of _________ (name of the affiliating university) has agreed to affiliate the ____________________________ (name of the proposed Veterinary College) to be established by ___________________ (the Name of the applicant) subject to inclusion by the Central Government of the Veterinary College or the Veterinary Qualification (Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry/ Bachelor of Veterinary Science) to be awarded by the University to the students graduating from the said Veterinary College in the first schedule to the Indian Veterinary Council Act 1984.


(Signature with Name and Office Seal)


Inspection Report of the Affiliation Committee of the University on Availability of Facilities at the Veterinary Institute

The Affiliation Committee of the _________ University has inspected the facilities available at ___________ (name of the Veterinary College) on _____and the inspection report is as under: –

  • Manpower

(a) Faculty Strength

(b) Technical Staff

(c) Administrative Staff

(d) Supporting Staff

  • Infrastructure

(a) Land

(b) Administrative Block

(c) Department wise facilities including laboratory, lecture hall.

(d) Library

(e) Examination Hall

(f) Veterinary Clinical Complex

(g) Ambulance

(h) Livestock Farm Complex

(i) Equipment

(j) Playing Ground

(k) Hostel Facility(for boys and girls)

(l) Departments

Certified that all the facilities available in the Veterinary College are as per the Minimum Standards for Veterinary Education Regulations, 2016


Form – VI

Veterinary Council of India

August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi

Declaration of teaching staff at …………………………….

(to be filled up by the individual teacher)

For the academic session _______________

Recent passport
size photograph
of the teacher to
by the


1. Name of Teaching staff in Block letters
First Name Middle Name Last Name
2. Fathers Name
3. Mothers Name
4. Date of Birth
Day Month Year
5. Age as on 01.04.2013
6. Details of valid Photo ID of the incumbent :
7. Details of PAN Card Number –
8. Mode of receiving Salary :
9. Present Designation of the incumbent :
10. Proposed Designation
11. Employment details (where applicable) :
(i) Department :
(ii) Nature of appointment: kindly inform whether Regular or Adhoc or Contractual or Teaching Associate or Temporary :
(iii) Date of joining at the present institution :
(iv) Residential Address of incumbent :
(v) Permanent Address :
(vi) Telephone numbers Office –

Residence –

Mobile No. –

(vii) E-mail ID :
(viii) Pay scale of the present appointment :
(ix) Basic qualification :
(x) Post-graduate qualification, if any with subject of specialization :
(xi) Ph.D qualification, if any with subject :
(xii) State Veterinary Council Registration No. with date and validity :
(xiii) Name of the State Veterinary Council where registered :
12. Details of qualifications:


Qualification Name of College Name of University Year of passing Marks obtained (in %) or OGPA Subjects studied
Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
Post- Doc


13. Details of teaching experience (in chronological orders starting from past to present):


Designation Name of institutions Department From To Total Experience in years & months
Demonstrator or Teaching Associate
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Scientist (in any research institute like ICAR, etc.)
Senior Scientist (in any research institute like ICAR, etc.)
Principal Scientist (in any research institute like ICAR, etc.)
As Veterinary practitioner in the State or Central A.H. department, etc.
Private practice
Total Teaching Experience
Total Experience other than teaching like Extension, etc.

Note. – Kindly mention NA wherever the incumbent does not have the required category of experience as stated above.

Declaration by the Incumbent

(To be submitted non-judicial stamp paper duly attested by a Notary public)

  1. I, Dr. ____________________________________ working as __________________ in the department of _________________________ at ______________________________ College and do hereby affirm that I am a full time teacher working from _____A.M. to ______ P.M. daily at this institution. I am not into practice anywhere neither am I employed anywhere else.
  2. I am engaged to teach in ___________ (name of the Veterinary College) for the academic session ________ and I have not made myself available to any other college or institution as a faculty for the said academic year.
  3. Complete details with regard to work experience have been provided and nothing has been concealed by me.
  4. It is declared that each statement and contents of this declaration and the documents and certificates submitted along with this declaration by the undersigned are absolutely true, correct and authentic. In the event of any statement made in this declaration subsequently turning out to be incorrect or false, the same shall amount to gross misconduct thereby rendering the undersigned liable for necessary action under the law. It is also understood that in such a case, the undersigned is also liable for disciplinary action including removal of his name from the register of the State Veterinary Council or Veterinary Council of India.

Signature With Full Name of the Teacher



Endorsed by  

1. Signed by the Principal or Dean of the College with Stamp and date indicating Full Name


2. Countersigned by the Chairman of the governing body with Full Name & Designation.

Check List of Documents to be Submitted

S.No. Documents Submitted
1 Recent Passport size photo of the Faculty, signed by the Dean or Principal of the College. Yes or No
2. Copy of proof of Date of Birth Yes or No
3. Photo ID proof issued by Govt. Authorities: Passport or PAN Card or Voter ID or Driving License Yes or No
4. Certified copies of appointment order including promotion orders of present Institution. Yes or No
5. Copy of Passport or Voter Card or Electricity Bill or Telephone Bill or Driving License or Certification from Local Govt. Authorities to be attached as a proof of residence. Yes or No
6. Joining report of the present institution. Yes or No
7. Copies of Degree certificates of UG and PG degree. Yes or No
8. Copies of Registration Certificates of the SVC. Yes or No
9. Copy of experience certificate (s) for all teaching appointment(s) Yes or No
10. Relieving order from the previous institution. Yes or No
11. Copy of PAN Card Yes or No
12. Copy of Form 16 (TDS Certificate) for the last financial year. Yes or No
13. Provident Fund deduction Certificate & Statement Yes or No
14. Proof of salary received Yes or No
15. Copy of Aadhar Card (if available) Yes or No

Signature & Full Name of the Teacher

Countersigned by Dean or Principal with Full Name & stamp


Form – VII

Veterinary Council of India

August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi

Declaration of staff at …………………………….

(to be filled up by the individual)

For the academic session _______________

Recent passport
size photograph
of the staff to be
by the


1. Name in Block letters
First Name Middle Name Last Name
2. Fathers Name
3. Mothers Name
4. Date of Birth
Day Month Year
5. Age as on 01.04.2013
6. Details of valid Photo ID of the incumbent :
7. Details of PAN Card Number –
8. Mode of receiving Salary :
9. Present Designation of the incumbent :
10. Proposed Designation
11. Employment details (where applicable) :
(i) Department :
(ii) Nature of appointment: kindly inform whether Regular or Adhoc or Contractual or Temporary :
(iii) Date of joining at the present institution :
(iv) Residential Address of incumbent :
(v) Permanent Address :
(vi) Telephone numbers Office –

Residence –

Mobile No. –

(vii) E-mail ID :
(viii) Pay scale of the present appointment :
(ix) Basic qualification :
(x) Post-graduate qualification, if any with subject of specialization :
(xi) Ph.D qualification, if any with subject :
12. Details of qualifications (where applicable)     :


Qualification Name of College Name of University Year of passing Marks obtained (in %) or CGPA Subjects studied


13. Details of experience (in chronological orders starting from past to present) :


Designation Name of institutions Department From To Total Experience in years & months

Note. – Kindly mention NA wherever the incumbent does not have the required category of experience as stated above.

Declaration by the Incumbent

(To be submitted non-judicial stamp paper duly attested by a Notary public)

  1. I, ____________________________________ working as __________________ in the department of _________________________ at ______________________________ College and do hereby affirm that I am a ____________ working from _____A.M. to ______ P.M. daily at this institution. I am not employed anywhere else.
  2. Complete details with regard to work experience have been provided and nothing has been concealed by me.
  3. It is declared that each statement and contents of this declaration and the documents and certificates submitted along with this declaration by the undersigned are absolutely true, correct and authentic. In the event of any statement made in this declaration subsequently turning out to be incorrect or false, the same shall amount to gross misconduct thereby rendering the undersigned liable for necessary action under the law.

Signature With Full Name



Endorsed by  

1. Signed by the Principal or Dean of the College with Stamp and date indicating Full Name


2. Countersigned by the Chairman of the Governing body with Full Name & Designation.

Check List of Documents to be Submitted

S.No. Documents Submitted
1. Recent Passport size photo of the Employee, signed by the Dean or Principal of the College. Yes or No
2. Copy of proof of Date of Birth Yes or No
3. Photo ID proof issued by Govt. Authorities: Passport or PAN Card or Voter ID or Driving License Yes or No
4. Certified copies of appointment order including promotion orders of present Institution. Yes or No
5. Copy of Passport or Voter Card or Electricity Bill or Telephone Bill or Driving License or Certification from Local Govt. Authorities to be attached as a proof of residence. Yes or No
6. Joining report of the present institution. Yes or No
7. Copies of certificates showing educational qualifications Yes or No
9. Copy of experience certificate (s) for all previous appointment(s) Yes or No
10. Relieving order from the previous place of employment. Yes or No
11. Copy of PAN Card Yes or No
12. Copy of Form 16 (TDS Certificate) for the last financial year, if applicable. Yes or No
13. Provident Fund deduction Certificate & Statement Yes or No
14. Proof of salary received Yes or No
15. Copy of Aadhar Card (if available) Yes or No


Signature and Full Name


Countersigned by Dean or Principal with Full Name and stamp

Form – VIII

Undertaking on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper to be Submitted by an Authorised Representative/ Signatory Representing the Management of the Veterinary College

I or we…………………………………………………………….(Name of the Trustee or Chairman or Principal or Director or Head or Registrar) of the ……………………… …………………………… (name of the Veterinary College or Trust or Society, etc.) hereby undertake to comply with the following in connection with our application for grant of recognition of ……………………………………………….. (name of the Institution or Course or Programme) from the session……………………………….. (academic year).

  1. That the management of the Veterinary College is liable to provide infrastructural, instructional and other facilities as per the norms, standards and guidelines specified by the rules framed by the Central Government and the regulations framed by the Veterinary Council of India from time to time.
  2. That admission of students shall be made after satisfying the eligibility conditions and will be based on the merit achieved by the student in the entrance examination conducted by the State Government or University as per its policy.
  3. That there shall be reservation of seats for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes or handicapped and other categories as per the policy of State Government.
  4. That admission to the Veterinary College shall be made only after permission is granted by the Central Government.
  5. That full time staff shall be appointed on regular basis as per the qualifications specified by the Central Government and/ or the Veterinary Council of India through a reasonably wide advertisement and open selection on the basis of the recommendation of duly constituted selection committees or as per the norms of the affiliating university.
  6. That the part time staff shall be appointed as per the guidelines of the State Government or the affiliating University.
  7. That the academic and other staff of the institution (including part time staff) shall be paid such salary as per the service conditions of the Institution.
  8. That the management shall discharge its statutory obligations relating to provident fund, pension, gratuity etc. in respect of all its employees.
  9. That the governing body of the Veterinary College will make adequate funds available for providing satisfactory facilities and for proper programme implementation.
  10. That the Veterinary College will strictly follow all conditions and norms specified under the Indian Veterinary Council Act., 1984 from time to time, conduct the programme in all earnestness, and submit itself to inspection by the Veterinary Council of India as required at any time.
  11. In the event of non-compliance by the ………………………………………(name of the Society or Trustee or College or Institution etc.) with regard to the norms and standards and any other condition laid down or specified by the Veterinary Council of India from time to time, the Veterinary Council of India or the Central Government will be free to take all necessary measures for effecting withdrawal of its recognition or permission, without consideration of any other issue, and that all liabilities arising out of such a withdrawal would solely be that of the Veterinary College or its governing body.
  12. That the governing body of the Veterinary College will not cause or allow discontinuation of the Course in any batch, and that where compelled, it will seek the concurrence of Veterinary Council of India for discontinuation on the completion of the year or batch.
  13. That the governing body of the Veterinary College has seen, studied and understood the norms and conditions stipulated by the Veterinary Council of India for grant of permission or recognition including those stipulated by the minimum standards of veterinary education regulations, as the case may be, to the programme proposed and feels that they are satisfied or can be satisfied by the time of inspection, failing which it would be willing to accept an unfavourable decision.
  14. The Veterinary College by virtue of the approval given by the Veterinary Council of India shall not automatically become claimant of any financial grant or assistance from the Central or State Govt., or support from Veterinary Council of India.
  15. The name and address of the Veterinary College shall not be changed without obtaining prior approval of the Central Government.

(Signature of the authorized representative or signatory along with his or her official position and office Seal)

Name in Block Letters

Place :

Date :

Witnesses : –


Form – IX

Undertaking on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper to be Submitted by the Authorised Representative/ Signatory Representing the University

I or we……………………………………(Name of the Registrar or any other authority designated by the university) of the ……………………………………………………..(name of the university) hereby undertake to comply with the following in connection with my or our application for grant of recognition of ………………………(name of the Institution or Course or Programme) from the session…………………………..(academic year).

  1. That necessary infrastructure, instructional and other facilities shall be provided as per the Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education Regulations, as amended from time to time.
  2. That admission of students, satisfying the eligibility conditions shall be made on the basis of merit in the entrance examination conducted by the State Government or University as per its policy.
  3. That there shall be reservation of seats for the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Classes or handicapped and other categories as per the Policy of State Government.
  4. That admission to the Course shall be made only after permission is granted by the Central Government.
  5. That full time staff will be appointed on regular basis as per the qualifications specified in the Norms and Standards through a reasonably wide advertisement and open selection on the basis of the recommendation of duly constituted Selection Committees or as per the norms of the University.
  6. That the part time staff will be appointed as per the guidelines of the State Government or the University.
  7. That the academic and other staff of the institution (including part time staff) shall be paid such salary as may be specified by the University.
  8. That the University shall discharge the statutory obligations relating to provident fund, pension, gratuity etc. in respect of all its employees.
  9. That the University will make adequate funds available for providing satisfactory facilities and for proper programme implementation.
  10. That the University will strictly follow all conditions and norms specified by Veterinary Council of India from time to time, conduct the programme in all earnestness, and submit itself to inspection by the Veterinary Council of India as required at any time.
  11. In the event of non-compliance of norms and standards and any other condition laid down or specified by the Veterinary Council of India from time to time, the Veterinary Council of India or the Central Government will be free to take all necessary measures for effecting withdrawal of its recognition or permission, without consideration of any other issue, and that all liabilities arising out of such a withdrawal would solely be that of the University.
  12. That the University will not cause or allow discontinuation of the Course in any year or for any batch, and that where compelled, it will seek the concurrence of Veterinary Council of India for discontinuation on the completion of the year or batch.
  13. That the University has seen, studied and understood the norms and conditions by the Veterinary Council of India for grant of permission or recognition, as the case may be, to the programme proposed and feels that they are satisfied, or can be satisfied by the time of inspection, failing which it would be willing to accept an unfavourable decision.
  14. The University by virtue of the approval given by the Veterinary Council of India shall not automatically become claimant of any financial grant or assistance from the Central or State Govt. or support from the Veterinary Council of India.

(Signature of the authorized representative/ signatory along with
his or her official position and office Seal)

Name in Block Letters

Place :

Date :

Witnesses : –



Form- X

Format of Application for Renewal of Permission by the Central Government of Veterinary Qualification or a Veterinary College

1. Name of the Applicant
2. Address of Registered office of the Applicant (No., Street, City, Pin Code, Telephone, Telex, Telefax)
3. Category of the Applicant (State Government or Union territory/ University or Statutory Autonomous Body or Society or Trust or Waqf)
4. Date and Registration No. (in case of a Society or Trust or Waqf) or of Recognition (in case of a University)
5. Name and Address of the Veterinary College
6. Name of the Veterinary Qualification
7. Name of Affiliating University
8. Basic Infrastructural Facilities Available for the Veterinary College and the Attached VCC And ILFC (Phase Wise Requirements are Described in these Rules)
9. Managerial Capability: –
Composition of the applicant, particulars of governing body of the applicant, particulars of the head or project director of the Veterinary College along with their qualification and experience in the field of veterinary education
10. Financial Capability
Balance Sheet for the last 3 years to be provided if the applicant is a Society or Trust or Waqf.
11. Details of Original Letter of Permission (Date of issuance and Serial No.)
  1. Equipment Programme.– Department and room wise list of Equipments complete with year wise schedule of quantities and specifications of all equipments required for imparting veterinary education as per MSVE Regulations.
Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status
  1. Man Power Programme.– Department wise and year wise list of recruited or appointed:

(a) Teaching staff (regular)

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(b) Technical staff (regular)

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(c) Administrative staff (regular)

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(d) Ancillary staff

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status
  • Building Programme.– Building wise built up area of:

(a) Veterinary college (departments, lecture theatre examination hall, museum etc.)

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(b) Veterinary Clinical Complex

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(c) Instructional Livestock Farm Complex

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(d) Faculty and staff housing

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(e) Students hostels

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(f) Administrative office

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(g) Library

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(h) Auditorium

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(i) Animal house

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(j) Cultural and recreational centre

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(k) Sports complex

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(l) Post-mortem section with incineration facility and waste management system

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(m) Cadaver and animal experimentation facility

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(n) Others (state name of the facility)

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status
  • Phasing and Scheduling.– Month wise schedule of activities completed indicating –

(a) Commencement and completion of building design

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(b) Local body approvals

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(c) Civil construction

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(d) Provision of engineering services and equipment

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(e) Requirement of staff

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(f) Phasing of commissioning

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status
  • Revenue Assumptions

(a) Fee structure

(b) Estimated annual revenue from various sources for the next five years

(c) Total Revenue from the Veterinary College since the date of grant of Letter of Intent

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status
  • Expenditure Assumptions

(a) Operating expenses for the next five years

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(b) Capital expenditure for the next five years

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status
  • Operating Results

(a) Income statement for the last 3 years

(b) Cash flow statement for the last 3 years

(c) Annual returns for the last 3 years

Note. – For Items 11 to 13 a comparative statement showing the relevant Veterinary Council of India norms vis-à-vis infrastructure or faculty available or proposed to be made available should be annexed.

Signature of applicant

List of Enclosures:

  1. Notarised copy of the Letter of Permission issued by the Central Government.
  2. A Project Report showing that the targets envisaged in the DPR submitted by the applicant along with the application in Form-I have been met.
  3. Certified copy of the title deeds or sale deeds or gift deeds or any other document in respect of any additional land acquired as proof of its ownership issued by the relevant competent authority.
  4. Certified copy of the lease deed of any additional land leased, issued by the relevant competent authority.
  5. Certified copy of zoning plans of the additional sites acquired indicating their land use or land use certificates and land conversion certificates where applicable issued by the relevant competent authority.
  6. Certified copies of land records of the additional land acquired containing map of the area showing the land survey no. and location of the site of Veterinary College and ILFC as well as its access from the nearby and adjoining roads issued by the relevant competent authority.
  7. Certified copies of the land records of the additional land acquired showing the contiguity of the land.
  8. An affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 by a member of the governing body of the applicant deposing that the applicant has clear title to the additional land acquired accompanied with verification or due diligence report by a practising advocate.
  9. Plan of built up structure available exclusively for the Veterinary College with a table clearly mentioning all rooms, with carpet area of each room (in sq. ft), as specified in MSVE Regulations, certified by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  10. Copies of floor plans, sections and elevations of all existing academic buildings including area details certified by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  11. An affidavit about building construction with respect to approved building plan, carpet and built up area (sqft.) and number of rooms, LFC, VCC and other infrastructure with respect to Veterinary Council of India norms, on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 or- and a certificate of verification from an Architect registered with Council of Architecture.
  12. Declarations from the faculty engaged by the applicant Veterinary College except those already submitted by the applicant Veterinary College (Form-VI).
  13. Declarations from the administrative, technical, support and ancillary staff recruited by the applicant Veterinary College except those already submitted by the applicant Veterinary College (Form-VII).
  14. Copies of Annual reports and Audited Balance sheets, cash flow statements and income statements for the last three years of the applicant duly certified by a chartered accountant.
  15. Copies of Operating Expenses reports for the last three years of the applicant duly certified by a chartered accountant.
  16. Copies of revenue projections for the next five years of the applicant duly certified by a chartered accountant.
  17. An affidavit, on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 or, stating that the information given in the application is true and stating that if the applicant fails to disclose all the information or suppresses or misrepresents any of the information or if it is found that the information given in the application is false, it shall be liable to be proceeded against in accordance with law, including but not limited to its de-recognition or withdrawal of the permission granted to it under these Rules
  18. Any other documents that the applicant wishes to submit (Please indicate details).

Form- XI

Format of Application for Final Recognition by the Central Government of Veterinary Qualification or a Veterinary College

1. Name of the Applicant
2. Address of Registered office of the Applicant (No., Street, City, Pin Code, Telephone, Telex, Telefax)
3. Category of the Applicant (State Government/ Union territory or University or Statutory Autonomous Body or Society or Trust or Waqf)
4. Date & Registration No. (in case of a Society or Trust or Waqf) OR OF RECOGNITION (in case of a University)
5. Name and Address of the Veterinary College
6. Name of the Veterinary Qualification
7. Name of Affiliating University
8. Basic Infrastructural Facilities Available for the Veterinary College and the Attached VCC And ILFC (Phase Wise Requirements are Described in these Rules)
9. Managerial Capability: –
Composition of the applicant, particulars of governing body of the applicant, particulars of the head or project director of the Veterinary College along with their qualification and experience in the field of veterinary education
10. Financial Capability
Balance Sheet for the last 3 years to be provided if the applicant is a Society or Trust or Waqf.
11. Details of Original Letter of Permission and Renewal of Permission (Date of issuance and Serial no.)
  1. Equipment Programme.– Department and room wise list of Equipments complete with schedule of quantities and specifications –
Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status
  • Man Power Programme.– Department wise and year wise list of recruited or appointed:

(a) Teaching staff (regular)

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(b) Technical staff (regular)

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(c) Administrative staff (regular)

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(d) Ancillary staff

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status
  • Building Programme.– Building wise built up area of:

(a) Veterinary college (departments, lecture theatre examination hall, museum etc.)

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(b) Veterinary Clinical Complex

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(c) Instructional Livestock Farm Complex

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(d) Faculty and staff housing

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(e) Students hostels

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(f) Administrative office

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(g) Library

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(h) Auditorium

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(i) Animal house

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(j) Cultural and recreational centre

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(k) Sports complex

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(l) Post-mortem section win incineration facility and waste management system

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(m) Cadaver and animal experimentation facility

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status

(n) Others (state name of the facility)

Requirements as per MSVE Regulations Current Status
  1. Revenue Assumptions and Comparison

(a) Fee structure

(b) Estimated annual revenue from various sources for the next five years

Revenue Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status
  • Expenditure Assumptions and Comparison

(a) Operating expenses for the next five years

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status

(a) Capital Expenditure for the next five years

Projections made in the Application for Recognition Current Status
  • Operating Results

(a) Income statement since the grant of Letter of Permission

(b) Cash flow statement since the grant of Letter of Permission

(c) Expenditure Statement since the grant of Letter of Permission

Signature of applicant

List of Enclosures:

  1. Notarised copy of the Letter of Permission issued by the Central Government.
  2. Notarised copy of the Letter of Renewal of Permission issued by the Central Government.
  3. A Project Report showing that the targets envisaged in the DPR submitted by the applicant along with the application in Form-I have been met.
  4. Certified copy of the title deeds/ sale deeds/ gift deeds/ any other document in respect of any additional land acquired as proof of its ownership issued by the relevant competent authority.
  5. Certified copy of the lease deed of any additional land leased, issued by the relevant competent authority.
  6. Certified copy of zoning plans of the additional sites acquired indicating their land use or land use certificates and land conversion certificates where applicable issued by the relevant competent authority.
  7. Certified copies of land records of the additional land acquired containing map of the area showing the land survey no. and location of the site of Veterinary College and ILFC as well as its access from the nearby and adjoining roads issued by the relevant competent authority.
  8. Certified copies of the land records of the additional land acquired showing the contiguity of the land.
  9. An affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 by a member of the governing body of the applicant deposing that the applicant has clear title to the additional land acquired accompanied with verification or due diligence report by a practising advocate.
  10. Plan of built up structure available exclusively for the Veterinary College with a table clearly mentioning all rooms, with carpet area of each room (in sq. ft), as specified in MSVE Regulations, certified by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  11. Copies of floor plans, sections and elevations of all existing academic buildings including area details certified by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  12. An affidavit about building construction with respect to approved building plan, carpet and built up area (sqft.) and number of rooms, LFC, VCC and other infrastructure with respect to Veterinary Council of India norms, on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 or- and a certificate of verification from an Architect registered with Council of Architecture.
  13. Declarations from the faculty engaged by the applicant Veterinary College except those already submitted by the applicant Veterinary College (Form-VI).
  14. Declarations from the administrative, technical, support and ancillary staff recruited by the applicant Veterinary College except those already submitted by the applicant Veterinary College (Form-VII)
  15. Copies of Annual reports and Audited Balance sheets, cash flow statements, income statements, for the last three years of the applicant duly certified by a chartered accountant.
  16. Copies of Operating Expenses reports for the last three years of the applicant duly certified by a chartered accountant.
  17. Copies of revenue projections for the next five years of the applicant duly certified by a chartered accountant.
  18. An affidavit, on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- or, stating that the information given in the application is true and stating that if the applicant fails to disclose all the information or suppresses or misrepresents any of the information or if it is found that the information given in the application is false, it shall be liable to be proceeded against in accordance with law, including but not limited to its de-recognition or withdrawal of the permission granted to it under these Rules.
  19. Any other documents that the applicant wishes to submit. (Please indicate details).

Form – XII

Format of Application for Increase in Admission Capacity of Recognised Veterinary Colleges

  1. Name And Address of the Existing Veterinary College, Veterinary Hospital/ VCC and ILFC:
  2. Details of the Existing Veterinary College, Veterinary Hospital/ VCC, ILFC and Ancillary Buildings:

(a) Current sanctioned admission capacity

(b) Built up area

(c) Architectural and lay-out plans

(d) Equipments

(e) Capacity and configuration of engineering services

(f) Capacity and configuration of hospital services

(g) Capacity and configuration of other ancillary and support services

(h) Category wise staff strength

  • Details about Additional Land for Expansion of Existing Veterinary College/ Veterinary Hospital and Livestock Farms:

(a) Land Particulars

(b) Distance from the proposed Veterinary College (in case of ILFC)

(c) Plot size

(d) Authorised land usage

(e) Geography

(f) Soil Conditions

(g) Road access

(h) Availability of public transport

(i) Electric Supply

(j) Water Supply

(k) Sewage connection

(l) Communication facilities

  • Upgraded Veterinary Programme

(a) Proposed enhanced admission capacity.

(b) Details about additional clinical and para-clinical disciplines envisaged under the expansion scheme

  • Upgraded Functional Programme:

(a) Specialty wise and service wise functional requirements

(b) Area Distribution

  • Building Expansion Plan.– Year wise additional built-up area to be provided for: –

(a) Veterinary Hospital or VCC

(b) Departments

(c) Staff housing

(d) Staff and students hostels

(e) Livestock farm

(f) Other ancillary buildings

  1. Equipment Programme.– Upgraded room-wise list of all equipments required for imparting veterinary education as per MSVE Regulations;
  2. Upgradaed Engineering Services.– Details about upgradation or addition in the capacity and configuration of engineering services (for maintenance work), and hospital and farm services
  3. Upgraded Manpower Programme.– Department-wise distribution of

(a) Teaching staff (regular)

(b) Technical staff (regular)

(c) Administrative staff (regular)

(d) Ancillary staff

  • Planning and Layout.– Upgraded master plan of the veterinary hospital/ VCC along with

(a) Layout plan

(b) Sections

(c) Elevations

(d) Floor wise area calculations of the hospital

(e) Ancillary buildings

  • Phasing and Scheduling of the Expansion Programme.– Month wise schedule of activities indicating –

(a) Commencement and completion of building design

(b) Local body approvals

(c) Civil construction

(d) Provision of engineering and hospital services

(e) Provision of equipment

(f) Recruitment of staff

  • Project Cost of the Expansion Programme.– Cost of additional –

(a) Land

(b) Buildings

(c) Engineering services

(d) Equipments

(e) Furniture and fixtures

(f) Preliminary and pre-operative expenses

  • Means Of Financing the Project

(a) Contribution of the applicant

(b) Grants

(c) Donations

(d) Equity

(e) Term loans

(f) Other sources, if any.

  • Revenue Assumptions.– Income from –

(a) Fee structure

(b) Estimated annual revenue from other sources for the next five years

(c) Projected total revenue statements for the next five years

  • Expenditure Assumptions:

(a) Estimated operating expenses for the next five years

(b) Estimated capital expenditure for the next five years

  • Operating Results

(a) Income statements for the last three years

(b) Cash flow statements for the last three years

(c) Annual returns for the last three years

Name and Signature of Applicant

List of Enclosures:

  1. Certified copies of complete constitutional documents of the applicant.
  2. Certified copy of Certificate of registration or incorporation of the applicant.
  3. Certified copy of the resolution or other authorisation document by which the applicant has been authorised to increase the admission capacity of the Veterinary College and to make an application under these Rules for the purpose.
  4. No Objection Certificate from the State Government or the Union Territory Government or Administration, as the case may be (Form-XIII).
  5. Essentiality Certificate issued by the respective State Government or Union territory Government or Administration, as the case may be (Form-XIV).
  6. Certified copy of the letter of consent issued by a University for increase in the admission capacity (Form XV).
  7. Report from the concerned University verifying the physical and other facilities available at the Veterinary College (Form-V).
  8. A Detailed Project Report including the building programme, educational programme, functional programme, equipment programme and man power programme.
  9. Certified copy of the title deeds/ sale deeds/ gift deeds/ any other document in respect of the total available land as proof of its ownership issued by the relevant competent authority.
  10. Certified copy of the lease deed of the land, where the land is leased issued by the relevant competent authority.
  11. Certified copy of zoning plans of the available sites indicating their land use or land use certificates and land conversion certificates where applicable issued by the relevant competent authority.
  12. Certified copies of land records containing map of the area showing the land survey no. and location of the site of Veterinary College and ILFC as well as its access from the nearby and adjoining roads issued by the relevant competent authority.
  13. Certified copies of the land records showing the contiguity of the land.
  14. An affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 by a member of the governing body of the applicant deposing that the applicant has clear title to the land accompanied with verification or due diligence report by a practising advocate.
  15. Certified copy of the Site Plan and building plan of the Veterinary College prepared by an architect registered with the Council for Architecture (COA) and duly approved by the competent Plan Sanctioning Authority of the concerned State or Union Territory Administration.
  16. Plan of built up structure available exclusively for the Veterinary College with a table clearly mentioning all rooms, with carpet area of each room (in sq. ft), as specified in MSVE Regulations, certified by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  17. Copies of floor plans, sections and elevations of all existing academic buildings including area details certified by an architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  18. An affidavit about building construction with respect to approved building plan, carpet and built up area (sqft.) and number of rooms, LFC, VCC and other infrastructure with respect to Veterinary Council of India norms, on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 or- and a certificate of verification from an Architect registered with Council of Architecture.
  19. Copies of Annual reports and Audited Balance sheets for the last three years of the applicant duly certified by a chartered accountant.
  20. An affidavit about financial position regarding working capital (funds) in the form of FDRs, actual balance in Current & Savings accounts on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 or/and a certificate by the Bank Branch Manager;
  21. Authorization letter addressed to the bankers of the applicant authorizing the Central Government or Veterinary Council of India to make independent enquiries regarding the financial track record of the applicant.
  22. Fee, as specified
  23. Duly notarised undertaking to be submitted by a Competent or authorised person representing the applicant (Form – XVI).
  24. Duly notarised undertaking to be submitted by a Competent or authorised official representing the University, where a University is the applicant (Form – XVII).
  25. An affidavit, on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 stating that the information given in the application is true and stating that if the applicant fails to disclose all the information or suppresses or misrepresents any of the information or if it is found that the information given in the application is false, it shall be liable to be proceeded against in accordance with law, including but not limited to its de-recognition or withdrawal of the permission granted to it under these Rules.
  26. Any other documents that the applicant wishes to submit (Please indicate details).


No Objection Certificate from State Government/ Union Territory Government/ Administration

No. ______________ Dated, ________

Government of ________

Department of Animal Husbandry, ___________________________



The (Name of the Applicant) ________________________________ has applied for increase in the admission capacity of ____________ (name of Veterinary College) at __________________________ (complete address of the Veterinary College with phone no.). On careful consideration of the proposal, the Government/ Administration of ________________ (Name of the State /Union Territory) has no objection towards the increase in the admission capacity of the said Veterinary College and this No Objection Certificate is being issued to that effect.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Competent Authority

of the State Government/ Union Territory Administration)

Form – XIV

Subject: Essentiality Certificate

No. Dated,

Government of ______________

Department of Animal Husbandry

To (Applicant),


The desired certificate is as follows: –

(1) No. of Veterinary Colleges or Institutions already existing in the State/ Union Territory.

(2) Number of seats available or number of veterinary practitioners graduating annually.

(3) Number of veterinary practitioners registered with the State Veterinary Council.

(4) Number of veterinary practitioners in Government service.

(5) Number of Government posts lying vacant for veterinary practitioners

(6) Number of Government posts in rural or difficult areas for veterinary practitioners.

(7) Number of veterinary practitioners registered with Employment Exchange.

(8) Veterinary practitioners to animal population ratio presently in the State.

(9) Veterinary practitioners to animal patient ratio presently in the State.

(10) Veterinary practitioners to animal patient ratio proposed to be achieved by the State.

(11) How the increase in admission capacity of the Veterinary College would resolve the problem of deficiencies of qualified veterinary practitioners in the State/ Union Territory and improve the availability of such veterinary practitioners in the State/ Union Territory.

(12) The restrictions imposed by the State Government/ Union Territory Administration, if any, on students who are not domiciled in the State/ Union Territory from obtaining admissions in the State/ Union Territory, be specified.

(13) Full justification for increasing the admission capacity of the Veterinary College.

The (Name of the applicant) has applied for increasing the admission capacity of (Name of the Veterinary College) situated at (Address of the Veterinary College). On careful consideration of the proposal, the Government of _________ (Name of the State/ Union Territory) has decided to issue an essentiality certificate to the applicant for the increasing the admission capacity of the said Veterinary college to _____ (no. of seats) from ______ (no. of seats).

It is certified that: –

  1. The applicant owns and manages a Veterinary Clinical Complex (VCC) and Instructional Livestock Farm Complex (ILFC) as specified in the Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education Regulations which was established in ___________ .
  2. It is desirable to increase the admission capacity of (Name of the Veterinary College)college to _____ (no. of seats) from ______ (no. of seats) in public interest;
  3. The said increase in the admission capacity of (Name of the Veterinary College)is feasible.
  4. Adequate clinical material as per the Veterinary Council of India norms is available with the applicant.

It is further certified that in case the applicant fails to create infrastructure for the enhanced admission capacity of the veterinary college as per the rules framed by the Central Government and the regulations framed by the Veterinary Council of India, as a result of which the permission for increasing the admission capacity is refused by the Central Government, the State Government/ Union Territory Administration shall fully cooperate in ensuring that the veterinary college does not admit students more than its sanctioned admission capacity.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Competent Authority)

Form- XV

Letter of Consent from the University

Dated ………………. No ……………

Place …………………

University of …………………………



Subject:     Letter of Consent in Favour of ________________________________ (Name of Veterinary College with address)

The Honourable Vice-Chancellor on the basis of the report of the University Inspection Committee and approval of the Board of Management of the University of _________ (name of the affiliating university) hereby consents to the increase in admission capacity of ____________________________ (name of the Veterinary College) from ____ (no. of seats) to ____ (no. of seats).


(Signature with Name and Office Seal)

Form – XVI

Undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper to be submitted by an authorised representative/ signatory representing the Management of the Veterinary College

I or we ……………………………………………………………. (Name of the Trustee or Chairman or Principal or Director or Head or Registrar) of the ……………………… …………………………… (name of the Veterinary College or Trust or Society, etc.) hereby undertake to comply with the following in connection with our application for increase in admission capacity of ……………………………………………….. (name of the Veterinary College) from the session……………………………….. (academic year).

  1. That the management of the Veterinary College is liable to provide infrastructural, instructional and other facilities as per the norms, standards and guidelines specified by the rules framed by the Central Government and the regulations framed by the Veterinary Council of India from time to time.
  2. That admission of students shall be made after satisfying the eligibility conditions and will be based on the merit achieved by the candidates in the entrance examination conducted by the State Government or the University as per its policy.
  3. That there shall be reservation of seats for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes / handicapped and other categories as per the policy of State Government.
  4. That the proposed increase in admission capacity of the Veterinary College shall be effected only after permission is granted by the Central government.
  5. That full time staff shall be appointed on regular basis as per the qualifications specified by the Central Government and/ or the Veterinary Council of India through a reasonably wide advertisement and open selection on the basis of the recommendation of duly constituted selection committees or as per the norms of the affiliating university.
  6. That part time staff shall be appointed as per the guidelines of the State Government or the affiliating University.
  7. That the academic and other staff of the veterinary college (including part time staff) shall be paid such salary as per the service conditions of the veterinary college.
  8. That the management shall discharge its statutory obligations relating to provident fund, pension, gratuity etc. in respect of all its employees.
  9. That the governing body of the Veterinary College will make adequate funds available for providing satisfactory facilities and for proper programme implementation in light of the increased admission capacity of the Veterinary College.
  10. That the Veterinary College will strictly follow all conditions and norms specified under the Indian Veterinary Council Act., 1984 from time to time, conduct the programme in all earnestness, and submit itself to inspection by the Veterinary Council of India as required at any time.
  11. In the event of non-compliance by the ………………………………………(name of the Society or Trustee or College or Institution etc.) with regard to the norms and standards and any other condition laid down or specified by the Veterinary Council of India from time to time, the Veterinary Council of India or the Central Government will be free to take all necessary measures for effecting withdrawal of its recognition or permission, without consideration of any other issue, and that all liabilities arising out of such a withdrawal would solely be that of the Veterinary College or its governing body.
  12. That the governing body of the Veterinary College will not cause or allow discontinuation of the Course in any batch, and that where compelled, it will seek the concurrence of Veterinary Council of India for discontinuation on the completion of the year or batch.
  13. That the governing body of the Veterinary College has seen, studied and understood the norms and conditions stipulated for grant of permission for increasing the admission capacity of a Veterinary College including those stipulated by the Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education Regulations, 2016, as the case may be, to the proposed increase and feels that they are satisfied or can be satisfied by the time of inspection, failing which it would be willing to accept an unfavourable decision.
  14. The Veterinary College by virtue of the approval given by the Veterinary Council of India shall not automatically become claimant of any financial grant or assistance from the Central or State Government., or support from Veterinary Council of India.
  15. The name and address of the Veterinary College shall not be changed without obtaining prior approval of the Central Government.

(Signature of the authorized representative/ signatory along with
his or her official position and office Seal)

Name in Block Letters

Place :

Date :

Witnesses : –



Form – XVII

Undertaking on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper to be Submitted by the Authorised Representative/ Signatory Representing the University

I or we …………………………………………………………………. (Name of the Registrar or any other authority designated by the university) of the ……………………………………………………..(name of the university) hereby undertake to comply with the following in connection with my or our application for increase in admission capacity of ……………………… (name of the Veterinary College) from the session…………………………..(academic year).

  1. That necessary infrastructure, instructional and other facilities shall be provided as per the Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education Regulations, 2016 as amended from time to time.
  2. That admission of students, satisfying the eligibility conditions shall be made on the basis of merit in the entrance examination conducted by the State Government or University as per its policy.
  3. That there shall be reservation of seats for the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Classes or handicapped and other categories as per the Policy of State Govt.
  4. That the proposed increase in admission capacity of the Veterinary College shall be effected only after permission is granted by the Central government.
  5. That full time staff will be appointed on regular basis as per the qualifications specified in the norms and standards of the university through a reasonably wide advertisement and open selection on the basis of the recommendation of duly constituted Selection Committees or as per the norms of the University.
  6. That the part time staff will be appointed as per the guidelines of the State Government or the University.
  7. That the academic and other staff of the institution (including part time staff) shall be paid such salary as may be specified by the rules of the University.
  8. That the University shall discharge its statutory obligations relating to provident fund, pension, gratuity etc. in respect of all its employees.
  9. That the University will make adequate funds available for providing satisfactory facilities and for proper programme implementation in light of the increased admission capacity of the Veterinary College.
  10. That the University will strictly follow all conditions and norms specified by Veterinary Council of India from time to time, conduct the programme in all earnestness, and submit itself to inspection by the Veterinary Council of India as required at any time.
  11. In the event of non-compliance of norms and standards and any other condition laid down or specified by the Veterinary Council of India from time to time, the Veterinary Council of India or the Central Government will be free to take all necessary measures for effecting withdrawal of its recognition or permission, without consideration of any other issue, and that all liabilities arising out of such a withdrawal would solely be that of the University.
  12. That the University will not cause or allow discontinuation of the Course in any year or for any batch, and that where compelled, it will seek the concurrence of Veterinary Council of India for discontinuation on the completion of the year or batch.
  13. That the University has seen, studied and understood the norms and conditions stipulated for grant of permission for increasing the admission capacity of a Veterinary College including those stipulated by the Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education Regulations, 2016, as the case may be, to the proposed increase and feels that they are satisfied or can be satisfied by the time of inspection, failing which it would be willing to accept an unfavourable decision.
  14. The University by virtue of the approval given by the Veterinary Council of India shall not automatically become claimant of any financial grant or assistance from the Central or State Govt. or support from the Veterinary Council of India.

(Signature of the authorized representative/ signatory along with
his or her official position and office Seal)

Name in Block Letters

Place :

Date :

Witnesses : –









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