The Rise of Kesla Poultry Farm: A Story of Rural Empowerment and Sustainable Profitability


The Rise of Kesla Poultry Farm: A Story of Rural Empowerment and Sustainable Profitability

Dr. Amit Bhadauria

(Breeder Manager, MPWPCL)

Dr. Neha Rajawat

(Ph.D. Research Scholar ICAR- NDRI Karnal)

 In the verdant tapestry of rural India, tribal communities often find themselves woven into the margins, their voices echoing faintly amidst societal neglect and economic disparity. Yet, amidst these challenges, a quiet revolution is brewing, fueled by the indomitable spirit of tribal women and their embrace of Backyard poultry farming. This essay delves into the transformative potential of this endeavor, exploring how it empowers these women, fosters economic independence, and paves the way for a brighter future. Backyard poultry farming, with its focus on raising chickens in a free-range environment, aligns seamlessly with the traditional practices of tribal communities. Their deep understanding of the natural world and inherent respect for animal welfare translate beautifully into this sustainable farming method. Unlike conventional poultry farming, Backyard poultry farming prioritizes animal welfare, allowing chickens to roam freely, express natural behaviors, and forage for food. This resonates with the tribal ethos of living in harmony with nature, fostering a sense of responsibility and care towards the animals under their care. The economic empowerment that Backyard poultry farming brings is undeniable. Tribal women, who have historically faced limited access to education and employment opportunities, can now generate a steady income through this venture. The low-cost setup and minimal infrastructure required make it accessible even to those with limited resources, empowering them to become financially independent and break free from the shackles of poverty. This newfound economic agency translates to improved living standards for their families, access to better healthcare and education, and a greater sense of self-worth.

Beyond the economic benefits, Backyard poultry farming fosters a sense of community and collective action. Women come together to share knowledge, exchange resources, and support each other through challenges. This collaborative spirit strengthens their social fabric, fosters a sense of belonging, and empowers them to advocate for their rights within the community and beyond However, the path to empowerment is not without its challenges. Access to markets, fair pricing for their produce, and training in financial management and marketing remain crucial hurdles. Additionally, entrenched social biases and limited access to veterinary services can pose obstacles. Overcoming these challenges requires a multi-pronged approach involving government support, community development initiatives, and collaborations with NGOs and private organizations.

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Several NGOs, like Vaagdhara, Swayam Shikhar, and Jeevan Jyoti, have identified the immense potential of poultry farming for tribal women. Their initiatives focus on building skills and knowledge through comprehensive training programs. Women learn about bird selection, breeding, housing, feed preparation, and disease management. This newfound expertise equips them to manage their poultry farms efficiently, fostering a sense of self-reliance and confidence.

Nestled in the picturesque village of Kesla, Madhya Pradesh, nestled amidst a landscape of rolling hills and lush greenery, is a story of remarkable transformation. It is a story of how a small poultry farm, Kesla Poultry Sahkari Samiti Maryadit, became a beacon of hope for rural women, a model for sustainable poultry farming, and an inspiration for entrepreneurs across India. It was a Humble Beginnings with a Big Vision.The seeds of Kesla’s success were sown in the early 1990s. Faced with poverty and limited livelihood options, a group of 15 women from Kesla village saw poultry farming as a potential path to economic empowerment. With unwavering determination and the support of local NGOs, they formed the Kesla Poultry Sahkari Samiti Maryadit in 1998. Starting with meager resources and limited knowledge, the women embarked on a journey of learning and collaboration. They received training in poultry rearing, disease management, and financial management. They pooled their resources, built small poultry sheds, and started rearing chicks.

Overcoming Challenges with Grit and Resourcefulness:

The initial years were fraught with challenges. Lack of access to finance, limited market visibility, and the vagaries of nature posed constant hurdles. But the women of Kesla persevered. They adopted innovative techniques, such as vermi-composting for manure management and solar energy for lighting, to reduce costs and improve sustainability.They also built strong relationships with local suppliers and retailers, ensuring a steady supply of feed and a reliable market for their produce.

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 Scaling Up and Empowering Communities:

Kesla’s success story did not remain confined to the village. As news of their achievements spread, more women from neighboring villages sought membership in the cooperative. The Kesla model was replicated across Madhya Pradesh, leading to the formation of the Madhya Pradesh Women Poultry Producers Company Limited (MPWPCL) in 2002. MPWPCL provided Kesla with the infrastructure and resources needed to scale up its operations. Hatcheries, feed mills, and processing units were established, creating a vertically integrated poultry value chain. Today, MPWPCL boasts of over 11,000 members spread across six states. This women-driven cooperative has not only created sustainable livelihoods for thousands of rural families but has also emerged as a leading supplier of high-quality chicken and eggs in the region.

The Key Ingredients of Kesla’s Success

Several factors have contributed to Kesla’s remarkable journey:

  • Empowerment of women: Placing women at the forefront of the initiative fostered a sense of ownership and responsibility, leading to dedicated efforts and sustainable outcomes.
  • Cooperative model: The collective approach allowed for pooling resources, sharing knowledge, and mitigating risks, creating a strong foundation for growth.
  • Focus on innovation: Kesla’s willingness to adopt new technologies and adapt to changing market dynamics has been crucial in maintaining its competitive edge.
  • Sustainable practices: The commitment to environmentally friendly practices, such as vermi-composting and solar energy use, has ensured long-term viability and earned Kesla recognition for its responsible approach.

A Beacon of Hope for Rural India; The story of Kesla Poultry Farm is not just about numbers and profits. It is a testament to the human spirit, the power of collective action, and the transformative potential of rural development. It is a story that inspires and empowers, offering a roadmap for sustainable livelihoods and economic prosperity for rural communities across India.

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Kesla’s journey is far from over. The cooperative has ambitious plans for expansion, aiming to reach even more women and further strengthen its position as a leader in the poultry industry. As Kesla continues to soar, its legacy of empowerment and innovation will continue to illuminate the path for generations to come.

In conclusion, the success of Kesla Poultry Farm is a powerful reminder that even the smallest beginnings can lead to extraordinary achievements. When driven by determination, fueled by collaboration, and guided by a commitment to sustainability, rural communities can not only overcome poverty but also thrive.

In conclusion, Backyard poultry farming presents a unique opportunity to empower tribal women and rewrite their narratives. By harnessing their traditional knowledge, embracing sustainable practices, and fostering community collaboration, these women can not only secure economic independence but also reclaim their rightful place in society. As we support and empower them, their success will not only resonate within their communities but also serve as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the transformative power of collective action and the unwavering spirit of tribal women as they take flight toward a brighter future.

Key Words: Poultry farming, rural, women empowerment, backyards poultry  farmimg

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