Dr. Nimgaonkar Mayur Sudhirrao1, Dr. K.N. Singh2, Dr. Mukesh Kumar3

  1. M.V. Sc Scholar Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Histology
  2. Asst professor Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Histology
  3. Asst. Professor Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Histology

Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Histology, C.V.Sc & A.H.,  A.N.D.U.A.T,

Kumarganj, Ayodhya, U.P. (224229).

E mail ID.:    Mo. No: 913754806


This is a viral disease of animals, lumpy skin disease was first found in Zambia, Africa in the year 1929, in 2012 this disease is spreading rapidly through Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan, this disease has been seen in Asia continent in July 2019, India It was first observed in the state of Orissa on 12 August 2019.

Spread of lumpy skin disease:

  • This disease is spread by biting flies, mosquitoes, lice, contaminated water and grains.
  • The disease does not spread from animals to humans, that is, it is not zoonotic.
  • It is an infectious disease that spreads to other animals by direct contact with infected animals, that is, we also call it Contagious Disease.
  • In the beginning there are small lumps and when that knot breaks after ripening, then the discharge coming out of it is carried by the fly mosquito from one place to another.
  • This disease is spread not only through contact but also through carriers. It has been seen that if the immune system of indigenous cows is strong, then they are affected by diseases, but the mortality rate has been seen in them, although the body becomes very weak after the disease, then other diseases which are called secondary diseases in the language of veterinary. It is known that in secondary disease mostly bacterial diseases are there so we can give antibiotics to animals to prevent bacterial infection,
  • As soon as some symptoms of this disease are seen, then immediately we should contact our nearest veterinarian or any animal protection staff.
  • If the animal dies due to any reason, then the body of the animal should not be left outside in the open, if we leave its dead body outside, then due to which it comes in contact with eagles, crows, dogs and so that there is a risk of spreading the disease. is formed, the disease later becomes air-borne and the virus becomes more dangerous and worldwide.
    Therefore, we have to pay attention that whenever an animal dies, it should be buried in a pit in the right way so that it does not come in contact with wild-animal, animal-bird and we can prevent it in the right way. can do with

Symptoms of lumpy skin disease:

  • The body temperature of animals rises i.e. animals get high fever, if the fever is accompanied by small nodules in their body, it indicates that the animal may be affected by lumpy skin disease.
  • You can take the advice of a veterinarian to get the correct information in a complete way,
  • nodules start forming in places all over the body of the animal and the size of these ghats ranges from 2 to 5 cm. This lump is found on the animal’s neck, nostrils, genital, eyes, eyelids, abdomen and tail.


  • If your animal has been infected with this disease, then keep the animals suffering from this disease separately from healthy animals,
  • Protect animals from flies, mites and mosquito bites, clean the surroundings of animals daily so that flies and mosquitoes do not breed,
  • If the animal dies, then bury all the dead animals in a deep pit.
  • To prevent this serious problem, many states have started campaigns of vaccine against this virus.


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